Taming of the Kidneys
The only way to recover from Chronic kidney disease. In this article you will find all the secrets, everything that really matters to you to know, If you really want to get better.
You can recover from kidney disease and kidney problems – this is a very scary phenomenon – but there is a solution.
"ultimately kidney transplant is the only cure but for every four patients requiring a transplant there are only enough available kidneys to help one", Says a biology professor Andrew McMahon – Publication
and actually admitted the failure of the kidney recovery with the conventional method
However, if you desire to improve your health and to regenerate the nephron – this article is for you.
"… And when the doctors gave no hope of kidney rehabilitation and lowering my creatinine levels, I "came to you…"
,Dear Yaron"
I want to thank you so much for your treatments and guidance.
Within a month of starting your treatments, creatinine began to decline, urea dropped to normal, and eGFR began to rise. Stunning! It is really possible and there absolutely is something that can be done and a way to improve the situation.
When I got to you, with eGFR 27, creatinine 2.94 and urea 90, I had urinary incontinence that no doctor I contacted could treat, and my sleep was irregular. I would get up to the bathroom a lot in the middle of the night and take a while to fall back asleep.
And when the doctors gave no hope of kidney rehabilitation or creatinine lowering, I came to you.
I was worried, with a lot of doubts, but with a lot of hope and genuine desire for it to succeed.
The fasting protein you gave was not easy at first, but thanks to my wife who supported me and joined me in experiencing the fasting protein you gave, I was able to get into this diet.
Gradually I got used to it, I found it was not so bad, that it was entirely possible and I started to feel better with each week of fasting.
After your first treatment I told my wife, I feel like I was reborn. The day after your first treatment, I was surprised to find that the urine burn was gone, which had not happened in years. I slept continuously, and it has been a month since you started your treatments, I sleep most days, and when I get up, I fall asleep relatively quickly compared to how I was before your treatments.
I also started walking almost every evening for about 40 minutes.
Today, a month after I started your treatments and a month and a half since the previous blood tests, the eGFR went up to 29, the creatinine dropped to 2.75 and the Urea dropped to 42. There are no words to describe our enormous joy and hope today, after receiving blood test results, one month after the start of fasting proteins. I believe that within a month I will be able to lower my creatinine levels to 2 and maybe even reach the norm. The power of a rock-cut drop.*
* "A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”
James N. Watkins AUTHOR
Kidney Training
This article which explains everything about rogue kidneys and also teaches you how easy, possible and wonderful it is to change this weakened state into power and health – this is the field of complementary medicine and preventing morbidity and worth the effort you have to make – the article is long and comprehensive. At the end of the article there are recipes and lists of food needed to be eaten to get better quickly. The article presents the entire kidney repair method and a lot of information on how and what to do to recover from kidney disease, as well as its origins, medical maladies, and another terminal kidney disease – also defined as terminal kidney disease. You can be cured and that is what I write later in this article and in other articles that this piece links to (the linked articles are written in Hebrew – for English perhaps online translation will help them understand). In addition, here and elsewhere I am publishing other articles with links in the body of this article, about what you should eat to stop the deterioration of the disease – and what you should not eat. I do not neglect to mention the failure of institutional medicine in renal recovery. Trust has been placed in institutional medicine, especially by men, in spite of the failures we hear about = therefore I do not hesitate to point out the failure of institutional medicine in renal recovery. Many of my clients are men and within the article I will also point to the trust in the establishment system. Men especially place blind trust in this system. The system is failing them yet they remain loyal to them even though the failure here is huge. Kidney failure in the US has already reached the number one cause of death – and yet at the same time I encourage them and you I encourage too, yes, you too I have a feeling that I should tell you no I want you to know that you can get out of this situation! I succeeded, my patients succeeded – as AUTHOR James N. Watkins told us, "A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence."
You should know that it is still reversible! I have managed – my patients have been successful – Fact. You can be healed from this terrible disease, and even see positive results within 3 months! More on that here, and at the end of the article you will find blood test results (before / after) of a man with kidney problems who trained in Shaab.
I have helped to bring about rapid healing in a very short time, working on kidneys of different adults from the ages of 38-87. Also attached is a pulsating examination dated October 25, 2018, which was added after the publication of this article. And here on April 8, 2019 – the important message is that you can recover!
"Months ago we were in a very bad condition, the test results were poor and we didn't know what was wrong – but we didn't think it was the kidneys. We didn't think about diabetes at all. Luckily, we came to read "The Rogue Kidney Training" and it was obvious we had to speak with you. And now – the results are amazing!! A1c dropped to 6.2 without medication when for 20 years it was 7-9 ("good" was 6.8 with insulin). The urea decreased from 68 to 45 and the urine protein decreased from 1200-2000 to 382. Thank you very much. We are very lucky to have encountered you. It is shocking to think where we were without you. Thanks!! More on that …"
The results of the first test I published and those added (with the approval of the healers) down the road resulted in dozens of people from all over the country showing that they had lowered creatinine values without drugs. However, the reason why nephrologists cooperated from the start was different – the results showed something else: The constant of the GFR or eGFR (towards 120, is a healthy measure of kidney function) and that they had not yet seen. [Glomerular filtration rate Tuber (Glomerular filtration rate – GFR )].
Hi, I'm on my way to a review, a review by the nephrologist at Assuta Hospital. On my way, I glanced at the tests I did yesterday and the results are already appearing in the app. Yaron I am happy, my creatinine is now 1.17 and the GFR stands at 50. You are the first one to tell him about this result. You Go right on these results. I promise I'll do everything to get better.
Definitely heals – you can recover from chronic kidney failure – well done.
I see and understand that my blood picture has improved greatly –
praise God. Ben Porat Yosef.
These results also include a decrease in the A1C creatinine, urea, urine protein, albumin, and renal filtration index – GFR (a measure of renal function, in nephrology, is an indication of the condition of the kidney and its function as a sieve and blood cleaner) certainly serves as a flag of hope.
For more articles
- ירידה בתפקוד הכליות – מה לעשות?
- Decreased kidney function – what to do?
- מה לאכול במצבי אי ספיקת כליות – מתכונים לדיאטה מאוזנת – טעימה להשתגע
- What to eat in cases of kidney failure – recipes for a balanced diet – delicious on a wow level
- מאמר הצלבת איברים – הדרך להחלמה ממחלת כליות קשה מאוד– כאן.
- Kidney–Gut Crosstalk – The road to recovery from kidney disease is very difficult–
- לסדרת המאמרים – עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה
- למה חולי כליה, שנוטלים כדורים להפחתת לחץ דם גבוה, יגיעו בוודאות לדיאליזה.
- אבחון מוקדם למחלת כליות יכול להציל חיי אדם.
- אנמיה – רוצה להחלים ממחלה כרונית קשה. זרקור אל הטרנספרין הנמוך
- מחלת כליות – נתנת להחלמה – לשם כך יש לזהות אותה מוקדם ככל האפשר – הקסטסרופה!
- מיטוכונדריה – במיטוכונדריון מתחילה מחלת הכליות.
- חימצון האינסולין והגברה של חומצת שתן בדם, גאוט, אי ספיקת כליות, שבץ לב, סוכרת ודלקת חריפה "בלתי מוסברת"
- להחלים מסוכרת ואי ספיקת כליות
- המחמצן הגדול – Ros ודרכי ההתגוננות מפניו ללא תרופות
- התרופות מקבוצת הסטטינים להורדת כולסטרול יכולות להביא אותך למחלת כליות איומה, יתר חומצת שתן, כאבי שרירים, סוכרת וזו רשימה חלקית
- אי ספיקת כליות – הגורמים השכיחים ביותר ל-CKD הם סוכרת שנשלטת על ידי תרופות = שליטה גרועה בסוכרת ויתר לחץ דם שמטופל לכאורה על-ידי תרופות
- השפעות של הורמון הגדילה (GH) על תפקוד הכליות בבריאות ובמחלות כליות
- רככת היפופוספטמית (זרחן נמוך מהנורמה) – מחלת כליות כרונית – או הפרעת עצם מינרלית
- גלוטתיון Glutathione ו-N-אצטיל-ציסטאין (NAC)
Good evening, today my husband did A blood test and there is an improvement in creatinine. It was 6.7 and dropped to 6.3. And again the GFR rose from 8.3 to 8.9 – thank you very much for everything. I'm attaching the tests here two weeks ago and today.
It has been shown that healing is possible, it is available to you and even if I am not a doctor, I have realized that referring to conventional medicine only exposes the problem: There is no conventional cure for kidney disease.
The Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is hidden, Lichara, so as not to shame the experts, so as not to know the true state of the renal system collapse and the size of the nephrologic failure. They do not know how to stop its decline. They do not reveal their ignorance of the subject. The strainer is blocked and they have no answer to this problem. So even if creatinine drops a little for a while with medication, everything is basically destroyed because the drugs drain important elements from the body and the kidneys become even more clogged. Increasingly, the state of kidney medicine seems incapable and disappointing. And I realized that I had no choice but to heal the Kidney myself, I started to heal kidneys and it turned out that this is me – a dancer, a dance teacher and a choreographer (here is the link to the entry of Yaron Margolin on Wikipedia). A curious person, I found a way and managed to develop skills on this topic and they develop and improve every day – the last example I put online is here, and those at the end of the article prove that kidney failure can be healed.
I will explain everything to you, but with an introduction it is important to let you know already that creatinine is rising, but the measure does not necessarily reflect the kidney's condition – the creatinine is rising, but the ultrasound and MRI test say the kidneys are fine – so why is it called kidney disease?
Another index which indicates the kidney's ability to work and their ability to filter the blood of infections – is called GFR (kidney filtration index filtration rate tuber) Glomerular Filtration Rate – GFR. Prescribed as eGFR – is the most important index starting phase. Everyone is talking about creatinine, giving and offering pills, anti-creatinine and GFR drops! (I will describe below what the GFR filter is and why it is so important and add the formula to calculate it if your doctor insists on hiding it from you). Dialysis is a message of failure that says the filtration index has collapsed – and when the filtration index is at the horrible number – GFR 10 means: Dialysis! This measure is low, but it can still go down and down, reflecting a condition where the kidneys are clogged, very clogged and completely clogged and no longer filter your blood. The blood is poisoned and the poison and filth remain in the body, and even if creatinine has dropped – it already kills you. Did the doctor who sent you to dialysis show you recovery statistics, or success? Did he tell you how many times creatinine went down at that point and he himself failed and what does his failure mean to you? I will add and emphasize that this healthy filtering index is a filtering measure of 120 – GFR 120 – it must be looked at if you want to recover.
I work differently and consider the kidney function measure – GFR – to be very important. It may be the reason for my success, that even from such a difficult GFR – 17.5 situation I was able to bring a cure! The result of my work is simply amazing and it is exciting – yes, although you have not yet had similar success in the world, and before you met any recovered kidney patients in my clinic, you have hope. And we're on the road to recovery. I heartily invite you to recover.
Don't have the GFR result? Does your doctor hide the result of kidney function in your body? I really suggest that you demand it – this is the path, the path and the distance from your abyss. If we don't know by how high a percentage your kidney is no longer functioning, i.e. the GFR index, how do we know how urgent the kidney session is. If the GFR goes down and down, read this article urgently – this is the article that can save your life – here's my video on the topic here. And about the rising creatinine and GFR that crashes (when ignored and resulting in unnecessary death) here.
"Jeremiah the Prophet", as Michelangelo painted it on the walls of the chapel that Sixth St. built in the Vatican. The Prophet predicted the Kingdom of "Medicinal Tzdik" House of David "and Mlc king and Hscil and Ash Msft and Tzdkh Bartz. Bimio Tosa Judah and Isral Iscn Lbth and Zh-Smo Asr-Ikrao Lord Tzdkno" (Jeremiah 23:5)
The patient's response has never before reached this exciting GFR rise, going from GFR 17.5 to 21 – in three months – and is a definite sign of the onset of kidney recovery.
The patient response did not differ from GFR 17.5 to 21 – in three months – this is an entry that is not yet recorded in the medical establishment – the sequel, at the end of the article.
The eyes reveal the problem – before going into the depths of the article I invite you to check in the mirror to observe your reflection. If you have black circles under your eyes – you need to do something and you should hurry.
"After 5 months' treatment – the nephrologist saw the tests and said 'Well done!' Bless you for all your endless effort and investment, I won a single person and a special therapist, as a fun patient for you and I have come back to life."
Black circles under the eyes usually indicate a food allergy, depletion of vitamins and minerals – unknown because of supplements or drugs or alcohol! It is highly probable that your problem is easy to solve – I wrote a series of articles on it, and the first "Good and Bad Drugs" begins here. Black circles under the eye also indicate a possible kidney weakness – which is probably due to incorrect diet, vitamin B6 deficiency, perhaps B12. Sometimes it's rice or beer, white bread.
Diagnosis according to the tongue – kidney dysfunction is reflected in the depth of the tongue, liver fatigue is detected, among other things, on the left side of the tongue, the heart information on its condition in the front of the tongue. Pimples, whiteness at the depth of the tongue warn you of kidney weakness that probably comes from avoiding an action that is very important to you, but if you have pimples or cuts in the center of the tongue – these are the drugs = medicine that drain important elements from your body to your health and indicate exposure to poor nutrition.
Tongue – Look at the tongue reflected in the mirror – pimples, whiteness in the depth of the tongue warn you of kidney weakness that is probably due to an action that is very important to you, but if you have pimples or cuts in the center of the tongue – these are the drugs = medicine that drain important elements of your body for your health and expose you to poor nutrition.
Jaw – Pimples appearing on the jaw. Also the pimples or cuts on the jaw indicate kidney weakness, but here it is not due to the diet but caused by emotions – the psychological solution – amazingly, precisely in the healing phase, these pimples are reflected in the jaw. This occurs after 6-8 months of kidney recovery. We will get to this later. Jaw pimples reveal that your kidney problem is related to a psychological state and ties in an important relationship that radiates to your kidney organ. Improvement and aggravation are equally influential. (If you want to know more about reading your face – in body reading articles – here is further information). Suspicion, jealousy, mental imbalance, falling in love, closeness, a strong sense of belonging or absence, certainly impair kidney function. And another point before going into the depths of the problem – fatigue. Fatigue also plays a major role in diagnosing the problem. It teaches, among other things, kidney dysfunction that comes from sleep deprivation or liver weakness – here too nutrition will improve your condition immediately, but there must be collaboration with a process that requires effort and is centred on dietary change – a complex dietary change can be a challenge which makes it difficult for many recovering patients, particularly men who find it difficult and give in).
"Ham's Curse – Noah"Schakewits Josef (Belgian, 1848–1913) Noah curses Ham, 1876–1876 After being rescued from the flood, because of the flood trauma, he apparently planted a vineyard, and got drunk. Ham, Noah's son, noticed Noah lying in his tent, drunk, and despised him. After telling the story to his brother and his brother, when Noah was sober, and he learned that it had happened, the victor cursed Canaan the son of Ham, who would be a "slave's slave"
New World Order – Noah managed to get out of the flood but failed due to pain and cursed his descendants. Changing nutritional ingredients is a new order, as will soon be explained. For a large number of people it is possible that success is also a bit of destruction, intoxication and curse. A new order has certainly been associated with the kidney organ.
Bassano Animals entering Noah's Ark.
Some informative reading …
Why my kidneys are so sick –
There are several reasons for kidney failure and the first is age related. The GFR index declines with age. Starting from age 45, it begins dropping from 120 to the 90's, most doctors call it "healthy" – of course I object to that. I think it must be understood that the body is beginning to cope with the removal of toxins, proteins, salts, sugars, and metals, and older people (47, 50, 55, etc.) are already having trouble clearing them as a result of body contractions, vitamin E supplements found in blueberries in their natural form as well. (Spinach, beetroot, broccoli and kiwi) do not help and the muscles contract and press on the drainage systems and clog the fluid pathways in the body: blood, lymph and interstitial tissue that surround each cell in the body. Few people know this, but the whole-body flow system must be disposed of and its various fluids must be slightly basic (alkaline) to counteract the acid which is a natural by-product of cell metabolism. Over the course of ageing, this issue goes awry and the filtering index begins to decline and reflect this. The body should be helped to clear these toxins before clogging the drainage system and destroying the kidneys, which is possible by maintaining a balanced, simple diet and recovering alongside some sports, or dancing, or ball games alongside stretching exercise.
Brews plants of Pierre Robert Subleyras – Pierre Hubert Subleyras. Change is a fundamental life. I think a 45-year-old dietary change is needed to better maintain body fluid flow by its nature – but certainly no radical change here – even a glass of beer for a possible day at that age – but certainly not 5 cups. You should add to lunch salad, sprinkle with Brewer's Yeast, to begin the meal.
Change is a fundamental basic of life. I think a 45-year-old dietary change is needed to better maintain body fluid flow naturally – but certainly no radical change here – even a glass of beer a day is possible at that age – but certainly not 5 glasses. You should add salad for lunch, sprinkle with Brewer's Yeast, to begin the meal. It is advisable to start using methods such as healing pressures, Swedish massage, and basic flexibility exercises such as leg lifts and back flexions to open barriers and muscle contraction.
Glomerular Filtration Rate index – GFR decreases in mystery due to maturation processes. This is one of the main causes of the disease. This measure, in my opinion, must be entered as a mandatory measure for blood tests and urine collection at the age of 45 – only with the help of its exposure and its rate of decline can hundreds of people be saved from kidney failure and death. To stop the fall of the GFR index, it is vital to know your GFR level. I use a series of recovery pressesfor the recovery presses (short video) I attach the link here for you because they help stop the GFR crash.
In the photo – Yaron Margolin – Yuri Margolin photographed
Clicks Recovery = Margolin Healing Pressures Open the passages in the body, help the drainage system and the blood system to lead to the kidneys – the little "workers" who can restore the damaged organs in our body that are in the immune system. Poor passages, some blocked by chronic muscle contraction, also do not allow glutathione to reach and repair what is needed. Margolin Healing Pressures have previously proven to be powerful in curing cancer patients (in the 1980s and now they are on our side again).
The healing pressures can clear and release blockages that clog the drainage system and help clear the waste from the body when the kidneys do not do it properly, which is reflected in the eGFR or GFR index below 90.
DMIMOT (Hebrew for SILENCES) is a fundamental term in Margolin's work that describes the stopping of recovery processes for a variety of reasons – the stagnant residues of protein (meat, milk) that decay in the body (creatinine) and help balance the body and mind and of course use the healing pressures in a healing diet (protein fasting).
For Enlarged Kidney – Avoid dairy products – more on that and the topic of acid milk in the blood; also on insulin resistance above 2.5 are obvious signs of kidney enlargement under the illustration here below:
The nephron structure – a diagram of two nephrons in the kidney. Enlarged kidney is one of the problems we have to deal with when we recover the high creatinine damage of kidneys and renal failure.
erythropoietin production in the interstitial fibroblast-like cells that surround the renal
Lactic Acid
Excessive lactic acid can destroy the kidneys.
Pharmaceuticals are one of the most significant causes of increase in the level of lactic acid in the blood. High doses of aspirin may cause salicylates poisoning affecting the accumulation of lactic acid, and the level of acid in milk consumption may increase epinephrine in high doses.
The Massacre of the Innocents – 1582-87. is a painting by the greatest of Venice artists, Jacopo Tintoretto.
Chronic alcoholism, multiple fructose consumption, glucose infusion, also metformin in diabetics especially if they have kidney dysfunction, or considerable acetaminophen (Tylenol brand name), all of which increase the level of lactic acid, as well as drugs that HIV carriers use to inhibit the enzyme's transcriptional inverter transcriptionase such as didanosine, stavudine and zidobudine.
Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564. Excerpt from Ezekiel the Prophet painted by the legendary sculptor. Michelangelo on the ceiling of Sixtus the Fourth Vatican.
Poisoning by cyanide found in non-methylcoblamine B12 supplement or carbon monoxide increases blood lactic acid levels.
When suspected of not seeing the effects of aspirin or various drugs mentioned above, even in the cases of noticeable deficiency in thiamine justify the measurement of lactic acid test its presence in the blood – in excess the kidney is now in need of immediate intake of carbohydrate fasting and high glycemic value foods to remove foods from the body that affect the kidneys.
Lactic acid is found mainly in "sour" dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese. In fact casein, which is the main source of cheese protein as well as some processed foods like some beers, is aided by the use of lactic acid, and one of the common methods for souring cheese is using bacteria that secrete lactic acid into milk. In addition, in all dairy products, IGF–1 is a hormone whose role is to regulate protein production which I have published as a cancer source from animal protein in my article: "The Drugs and the Bad – Biotin B7 Vitamin H" (browse under the heading "Biotin Sources in Food"… The hormone is also called insulin-like growth factor 1 – which is found in dairy products. This hardens the arteries and causes tremendous damage to the kidney (which is why the naturopaths recommend consuming it in kidney failure states). Therefore dairy products are included on the list of prohibited foods and should not be consumed at this stage, including accelerated sports activities to prevent complications that include lactic acid build-up and hyperlipidemia. One of the first signs of the problem of developing insulin resistance (below 2 is the healthy index). And is one of the criteria for the cells, the carbohydrates and dairy products or extreme sports.
Enlarged Kidney – IGF-1
One of the problems we face when recovering from high levels of creatinine and kidney failure – lactic acid or lactic acid and the IGF – 1 index – all destroy the kidneys – pharmaceuticals and drugs are one of the major causes of elevated blood acid levels.
Few people know that the hormone – IGF1 – an insulin-like growth factor machine 1 – is blocked by the raw food fast and this is important – for the kidney's recovery process! It turns out that within 11 days the body can reprogram and order to produce less factor 1 insulin-like growth once we've applied raw food fasting and that all the fundamentals of IGF1 are following the diet because many Animal products – Liver Releases Protein – Fighting Squad – This protein binds to Insulin-like growth factor 1 and snatches it from the bloodstream – it just takes it out of the blood. To say that the problem that is repeated in my clinic is the lust for cheese. It turns out that going back to the unhealthy diet (cheese, cottage, yogurt, mascarpone, Camembert, St Gallen, St. Moore and Valencia, Roquefort, Manchego, Reblochon and Gorgonzola) even for one day destroys the whole fasting process that has been achieved and must be started from the beginning – as far as the body is concerned, you haven't even eaten one healthy day.
The Wedding at Cana by Jacopo Tintoretto. "the most extraordinary brain that the art of painting has ever produced” by Giorgio Vasari, the painter andtintoretto 109 CAT great historian from Arezzo.
All the aforementioned foods (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.) are on my list of prohibited foods and should not be consumed. This includes avoiding accelerated sports activity to prevent complications that include lactic acid build-up that causes blood acidosis, and hyperlipidemia which is one of the first warning signs of the problem of developing insulin resistance (below 2 is the healthy index) and is one of the criteria for carbohydrate cravings and extreme dairy or sports.
Another cause of kidney failure that ordinary medicine
ignores is found in drugs that deplete important elements from the body:
hormones, minerals, and vitamins including, for example, the vitamin B12 supplement containing cyanide and destroying the kidneys –
vitamin B12 in
the form of cyanocobalamin (Cyanocobalamin) is the most
commonly used B12 supplement. It is not found in nature – it is a synthetic industrial product but it is the cheapest
As evidenced by its name there is a molecule of
cyanide in cyanocobalamin and it
kills. The body removes it. After all it is a toxic chemical compound. Like any other toxic
substance, taking cyanide over a period of time can certainly cause damage to
the kidneys in removing the cyanide, as well as to various systems in the body,
noticeable as circles or black circles under the eyes. There is 20
micrograms cyanide in the B12 supplement containing 1,000 micrograms (the
amount that is in the average B12 tablet) but there are other good drugs that can be bad for kidneys e.g. NSAIDs
such as Nurofan, Advil, Voltaren. What about diabetes medicines
– Acros – Acrose, Prandase – Prandase, Chloropropamide – Chlorpropamide, Byta –
Byetta, Emeril – Amaryl, Vitosis – Victoza, Glucomin – Glucomin, Glucophage –
Glucophage, Glufor – Avluenia – Avandia Avandamet, Geneva – Januvia, Janet –
Januet, Galvus – Galvus, Eukreas – Eucreas, injectable insulin such as Humalog,
Lantus, Novolog – also anti-pregnancy, anti-inflammatory and anti-Parkinson's
Nuotatore Francesco Messina Swimmer Francesco Messina, nothing is happening yet and the swimmer has not even jumped into the water and within this standing and tying rope around his waist there is a whole world of maturation and self-empowerment, a natural concentration of hormone and a skill that will soon fit into their environment.
Few people know that our body produces glutathione on its own – from avocado, watermelon, asparagus, also from zucchini, okra, walnuts and even whey and broccoli and of course a beautiful thistle reminiscent of the artichoke with its purple flowers (with oatmeal, Brazil nuts, and 4 tablespoons of lentils fresh regularly for 3 months). Unfortunately stress, trauma, frustration, and drugs deplete the system of Glutathione; as well as coffee, caffeine, tea and even chocolate – Glutathione can and wants to repair injuries and even help bodily fluids, helping the body to clear and release toxins that have infiltrated them – with the help of the healing pressures I started for the Jerusalem Dancers. I help valuable glutathione grow, work freely and help the drainage system heal. The problem that the diet at the age of the screening index (GFR) is starting to decrease – is far from adjusting to the health requirements and changes the body is undergoing and it simply lowers the body's glutathione stores.
Perseus to Benvenuto Cellini – The glutathione and its work for human health reminds me of Perseus and the statue of the genius Cellini that created it. As our young people go crazy with colds and corks or beer pairings and the fats diet soothes the fighters for their coolness this is understandable to us, a diet that has also gradually become the new entertainment and one of its consequences is impairing the body's glutathione production system. They need aspirin after entertainment diet, the problem with aspirin and with the Dksmol elimination enzyme that wonderful Glutathione is produced independently and absence in the body may increase the fatigue, the foundations of assembling the body missing, and then the tension and emotional stress can lead to additional Mood deterioration, anxiety and depression, and In the liver, in the acidity of the blood, in the good bacteria that produces B12 and Glutathin – Kidney Protector This is when the body filtration index starts to decrease, fatigue increases and kidney collapse begins – more on that later in the article – Yaron Margolin
Homocysteine Index – It is now known that both enzymes MTHFR (is a common hereditary disease in the population) and methionine synthase – Methionine synthase, which are essential for converting homocysteine to methionine, one of the 20 amino acids that the body must receive because it cannot synthesize it through the food itself. Vitamins B10 and B12 respectively. Similarly, the CBS enzyme converting homocysteine to cysteine may be inhibited in Vitamin B6 deficiency states, in the form of pyridoxel-activated 5-phosphate. Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency also raise the homocysteine index Blood and urine – when the blood homocysteine level exceeds 7 and above reaches 11-15 micromolar levels (between 5-7 balanced homocysteine) this indicates a decrease in the GFR index and loss of your kidney arterial flexibility, blood vessels and urinary system drainage. And this is one of the factors of kidney failure – if vitamin C deficiency is not enough, loss of blood tubing flexibility and drainage in your body is the main problem that testing the homocysteine index is rare nowadays, so that only a few people know that they need to change their food menu in time to save their kidneys and the condition of the drainage and feeding tubes in their bodies. More about the homocysteine problem in a post I posted on the Social Healing Blog on the social network here – I will add to the reader about my kidney failure, called "Why is this happening to me?" about the problem of homocysteine. There are also three internal factors = There are three faces to the homocysteine problem:
1 . The amino acid methionine (Methionine) mentioned above, internal protein and the body gets the methionine usually those food's saturated fat and produces cholesterol unnecessary -rbim confuse the problem of excess homocysteine and excess cholesterol – that's when it is confusing – using drugs to lower cholesterol that destroy your kidneys. You want to limit this problem to a diet where the amount of methionine is balanced – this is possible and I list nutrition issues for that purpose. Later in the article I will discuss with you a diet based on a little animal protein such as chicken liver and fish, but mainly on peas and lentils (raw food and protein fasting – below).
2. The other facet of the folic acid problem is called Vitamin B9 – and also Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6. To prevent excess homocysteine in the blood we need to ensure a balanced supply of folic acid Vitamin B 9, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 so that our enzymatic system can effectively break down the homocysteine. This is the place to say that instead of taking nutritional supplements, the Vitamin B Complex can supply the body with all the vitamins needed to eat a varied and balanced diet. Brewer's Yeast, wheat sprouts (for those with a balanced BUN index), spicy chilli, avocado and sprouted lentils as a supplement to the salad can provide the required amount of Vitamin B a day – even chicken liver contains a good amount of Vitamin B. More on that here.
"Like A Swan Singing His Soul In His Last Moments" the sculptor Francesco Messina proudly wrote – about the dying horse – Francesco Messina 1999 – Cavallo morente – he created for Catania. Photographed by Yaron Margolin
Third Body Flexibility – Loss of flexibility is a process that involves ageing and general destruction created by emotional stress and life experiences – these contract the mind and body muscles and create chronic muscle contractions that refuse to be released without external intervention and add pressure and harden the arterial state – to do so a healing squeeze technique has been developed that has no competition in all aspects of body elasticity and is unique when it comes to restoring arterial flexibility.
It is very important to reach the arterial flexibility index – over time I found that the body reveals to us what happens in the artery wall – in this photograph I (Yaron Marigolan) point to a key point of identification for the loss of elasticity of the ducts and arteries in the body. Chronic muscle contraction point on the left shoulder.
Homocysteine is an intermediate product of metabolism in the body – in the process of decomposing methionine (amino acid), the homocysteine is the subject of the post I published here – when the process of its creation is stopped due to the same deficiencies mentioned above, and it does not break down further (to cysteine or back to the amino acid methionine). Homocysteine accumulates as a by-product and destroys the arterial state.
Jean-François Millet – who came of a peasant family, was born on the 4th of October 1814 in the hamlet of Gruchy, near Greville (La Manche), in the wild and picturesque district called La Hague. Le Midi, Afternoon Nap.
There is a separate article about this and the arterial flexibility – here – to protect itself the body must break down the homocysteine. To do this it needs Folic Acid, B6 and B12 – so if you and your diet are nonetheless rich in methionine (lots of meat and cheese, eggs and nuts) I recommend you consume 1,000 mcg (micrograms) of Folic Acid, 50-150 mcg of Vitamin B12 (only methyl cobalamine) and 25-50mg of Vitamin B6 and survive the situation chosen – of course way more than right for a healthy diet.
The Pietro da Cortona section, Trionfo della Divina Providenza, 1632-39, the allegory of supreme providence and power (of the family) Trionfo della Divina Provvidenza. 1632-39, Barberini Trionfo painter Barretini in Cortona operating in Rome at Barbarini Palace – an excerpt from the amazing fresco
If you have passed the age of 45 request a blood test alongside the compulsory test: The index of the kidney's filtering GFR, and the measure homocysteine – these two tests are performed fast and can save the lives of premature death and from kidney failure who is also a terminal illness, as you know. Few people know that in blood tests conducted in a clearly healthy young population in Israel of about 500 military personnel in the age range 20 to 44 years were found in some cases extremely high values of over 30 and even 40 micromolar homocysteine – this is why I repeat blood tests and also demand the results of GFR, and homocysteine, so I can help you prevent diseases like kidney failure. This is the place to mention that homocysteine levels: In chronic kidney patients, with advanced stage failure of the kidney requiring beyond dialysis, homocysteine levels are greatly increased. Some doctors think this is due to impaired homocysteine catabolism in the kidney. Similarly, in patients who have already reached the dialysis stage, the blood homocysteine level increases on average 3 times its normal level, since vitamin B6 and low molecular weight folic acid are lost through the dialysis membrane and the body that wants to heal with the dialysis simply empties them and the kidneys collapse even more. In these cases, the level of vitamins in the correct diet should be supplemented regularly to overcome this dialysis damage (for other damages you should consult your doctor). Vitamin B6 is found in a variety of permitted foods such as avocado, carrots, legumes (peas and beans), and also spinach, salmon, halibut, herring and chicken liver and whole wheat bread. Vitamin B6 is also found in banned foods for kidney patients such as potatoes, bananas, dairy and low-fat cheeses, eggs, brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds and nuts – as mentioned recently.
Asparagus contains important anti-hypertensive nutrients including Zinc. Zinc – is an excellent antioxidant that contributes to the immune system's strength, this mineral is important for good vision, optimal hearing, also for balanced taste and for our sexual relations.
Eating meat and fat is common, especially alongside a glass of beer with fried chips, salami and Moroccan cigars. The diet becomes high in calories as the stress in life and cold increases and it certainly calms the hot-tempered with its coolness and soothes us, gradually becoming the new lifestyle resulting in high sugar, oil, butter, cream and salt flavorings and damage to the blood tubes in the body that fill in flak = A viral plaque and sabotage the Glutathione in the body. The necessary aspirin required by this lifestyle diet, the problem with aspirin and with Paracetamol or Acetaminophen elimination of this wonderful enzyme in the glutathione and its absence in the body may increase fatigue, tension and emotional stress and lead to deteriorating mood in addition also to anxiety and depression and injury to the liver, upper intestinal wall and gastrointestinal tract, as well as blood fluids, the good bacteria that gives us B12 and glutamine – the kidney protector. And there is another reason why this happened to me.
Broccoli is a vegetable of high nutritional value with a very diverse health benefit to the human body. First and foremost, it is important to pay attention to the impressive vitamin C content of broccoli: In one hundred grams of fresh (uncooked) broccoli as much as 90mg of vitamin C can be found, twice the recommended daily intake for children ages 9-13.
Just as a comparison, the same amount of spinach contains only 30 mg of vitamin C; in the same amount of oranges 50 mg of Vitamin C can be found; while in the same amount of tomatoes there is only 10 mg of vitamin C.
Also 100 grams of fresh uncooked broccoli contains close to half the recommended amount of daily vitamin A intake, plus relatively large amounts of other essential nutrients such as Folic Acid (Vitamin B9), Potassium, Calcium B6 – and vitamin B6 pyridoxine, which is seen as the most important vitamin among the vitamins in the B group. It is involved in many processes in our bodies and is essential for the proper functioning of mechanisms and systems.
– In maintaining tissue health it is active in amino acid reactions
– Participates in red blood and antibody production
– Essential in various enzymatic activities
– Contributes to normal nervous system activity
– Necessary for Zinc absorption and vitamin B12
– Assists in Folic Acid activity during pregnancy
– Participates in the production of genetic material (along with folic acid and vitamin B12).
Among its benefits, Vitamin B6 has been found to be effective in treating ADHD, depression, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, rheumatism, asthma, boosting the immune system, muscle cramps and relieving nausea. In addition, the vitamin's changing properties help with fluid retention, edema, impaired renal filtration and kidney stones.
Vitamin B6 is water soluble, so its excess is excreted from the body and not stored in it. Vitamin B6 deficiency as differentiated may manifest in decreased immune function, anemia, fatigue, neurological disorders, rash, hair loss, dizziness, headaches, vomiting nausea and decreased kidney function. Eat broccoli if you consume drugs that drain the B6 from your body.
Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine is one of the most important vitamins of the B family. This vitamin is of immense importance to meat eaters. Vitamin B6 is needed to break down the proteins found in meat and milk. It is found in garlic, turmeric, sprouts, peppers, mustard leaves, sprouts, beans, celery, asparagus, kale and broccoli also in cod and light tuna. B6 is water-soluble and enters water-based body cells (not the fatty tissues). Vitamin is given to treat Vitamin B6 deficiency (or pyridoxine) due to certain drugs that drain it from the body [such as acid inhibitors, antacids, diuretics such as porosmide (poseid) and infamide (pamide) and hydrochlorothiazide or HCTZ also cholesterol-lowering drugs such as cholesterol and cholestyramine]. Important organs are affected where the heart, nervous system, organs of vision, sexual function, the emotional world (anxiety) and for our kidneys. Many people who use these drugs do not know that they are sometimes injured because of kidneys. Most people can solve the problem if they eat right or by consuming vitamin B6 supplements. People develop a severe problem with protein and kidney failure, because the doctor dispenses medication and does not know this problem.
"Venus" – circa 1507-1510, Giorgio Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco; 1477–1510) Venere dormiente drew a Venetian school. Giorgona is known for poetic paintings, the unique, sublime light of the Venetian painting. Only a few paintings (about six) are certainly identified as his works, following the plague that killed him (1510). In his works, his extraordinary talent, originality and deep thought stand out. The colors are full of emotion, and his characters appear to be in a deep and intense mental process, bordering on mystery. Uncertainty envelops his identity but also his works and meaning wisdom and beauty.
The learned doctor wanted to help but along the way his lack of attention jeopardizes the function of the thyroid gland, helps the development of diabetes and kidney blockage – and they collapse and when the filtration and the doctor hides it from you and the GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) is absent from your blood test shelf, maybe he just wants the best for you … and your kidney health and recovery … but if they collapse, who cares whether his intentions were good?
The learned doctor wanted to help but along the way his lack of attention jeopardizes the function of the thyroid gland, helps the development of diabetes and kidney blockage – and they collapse and when the filtration and the doctor hides it from you and the GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) is absent from your blood test shelf, maybe he just wants the best for you … and your kidney health and recovery … but if they collapse, who cares whether his intentions were good?
More about good medicine and bad results here and here (on the website of pharmacist Susie Cohen)
"The Tempest" The Giorgio de Castelperanco Tempest, one of the geniuses of sixteenth-century Venetian painting, is also one of the most mysterious masterpieces. Not often does a man find himself in front of a painting that is difficult to find out what his subject is: Scholars did not know how to define this painting and there was one who called it: "Landscape with a Gypsy." The scene was painted in the early 16th century and is characterized by the presence of two characters, the clad guy leaning on his cane in a section of the painting, up here, and the half-naked woman breastfeeding a baby. The element that remains is perhaps the brazen gaze of the maiden and the peaceful mother who creates a unit that is not embroidered into a cohesive composition, which emphasizes the sense of tension and mystery that the researchers held.
A small number of works remained from the talented Giorgona. Early death attacked him during the epidemic that struck Venice in 1510. In such cases, personal belongings associated with plague victims, including paintings were set alight. Giorgona's work was utilized thanks to the intervention of his students in his favor, among them was the young Titian, who declared that these were his paintings.
Failure of renal function was associated with maintaining order and cleanliness
kidney health. The kidney's function is cleaning: Removal of liquid waste from the body (solid waste cleared from the body by a colon). The kidneys (a double organ that is similar to beans) are the most active organ in the body's urinary system. The kidneys work continuously. They strain the blood. The entire volume of blood goes through them about 60 times a day and they come back and clean it. Both the strainer of the blood and the bloodstream return to the blood, thus maintaining the blood purity and chemical balance between its components. The kidneys filter our blood from waste materials, urine (its value is expressing the proportion of nitrogen in the urea molecule) and Creatinine (waste due to normal body tissue erosion and excess protein).
The waste is in the blood and the same diligent kidneys return and strain. The share required kidney reabsorbs body and which is not necessary is turned out through the drainage system (provision). The waste that is found in the blood is the result of the breakdown of food materials and tissue erosion. The body uses food for energy supply and wear repairs. After the tissues take away the food they need, the waste is sent to the bloodstream. It does not accumulate in the blood and due to kidney cleansing, the blood is clean and balanced without damage to the body. You can read more about this process – here
Eduard von Grützner 1846. The monk who enjoyed a meal with bread, he had not yet received the results of his blood tests – Edward von Gratzner, a successful painter from Munich in the early 20th century. The painter was able to describe a marvelous shade of brown in color the nuns' life in Germany's wine cellars, kitchens and pubs. Therefore, the main feature of his painting depicts the life of emotion and pleasure, certainly not common and accepted asceticism.
Emotions – the kidneys reflect difficult emotional states – in most cases the kidneys reflect fear
Fear is linked to the future, effort and aspiration for development. (I will discuss the topic of fear later in the article). Investing in effort is reflected in healthy kidneys. When the kidneys are strained, the effort to invest is disempowered. But it is precisely now that the ability to invest effort is so important. Effort is, in fact, the central theme and force needed for your recovery. Developing the ability to invest effort is part of the recovery path that awaits you. Strangely this is more difficult for men. But the way to get a smile on your face is often challenging and at the end of the day a reward awaits you – the return to life.
Fear – an emotion that is associated with a person's ability to reach the future safely. Fear of follow-up prevents us from fulfilling wishes, and aspirations due to the inconvenience caused to us by thoughts of the road to the future that gives rise to insecurity. Contrary to the percentage of fear – the spirit of hope moves forward into the future with the feeling that everything will work out and every problem will find a solution. Fear is a powerful emotion that takes over and does not allow one to reach the destination. Fear is always a reflection of the lack of effort (to reach the goal and fulfil aspirations, always requires effort), fear, as opposed to courage does not really perceive reality, it exposes demons, and shadows that are not present, fear always impedes both the way of seeing the aspirations and their perception of thought. Fear is not a strategy. And in this context it is defined as a futuristic outlook and a lack of life skills – because fear prevents you from embarking on life experiences. The person is afraid of themselves and the quantity that is not developing, as the size of them blasts the intensity of his fears. And that fear is projected to the kidneys.
The ambition is clear to you but instead of embarking on it, the shadow of error and the horror of the conquest occupy you – your thoughts speak and say: "I will not be able to live without potatoes and nuts", and your steps are hesitant in the dark and in a way that is not clear to you – only tremor, horror leads you. And the cold sweat alone is clear to you as if it were a glitter of a crystal dance that lights up a celebrating dancers who came to dance their victory at Louis XVI Palace. Accompanied by frozen sweat, you (always it is you, seemingly a man who gives another chance at establishment medicine) are afraid of getting close to kidney failure – fear is an emotion that inherently swallows the mind when the pine has disappeared, that the man of trust is no promise.
Most habits are set in the early years of life (ages 2-9). These are the habits of children and girls. Most of them have no role in adult life. Placing trust in parents at this age is absolute and cannot be appealed. Damage to this means trauma and tragedy
Fear of the future is one of those habits and is a baby habit that is perpetuated in you and prevents the possibility of changing the habits you no longer need. The problem gets complicated when the kidneys are paying the price for it. They stop functioning. Fear shrinks the kidneys. And the habit of trusting the establishment. An older man often asks for a change of life many times before the age of 50 or 55, but he fears an effort, due to lack of skills, he does not see how he will give up his habits based on his life for many years. How it will work out without fixed income?
Accustomed to it. How will he learn to use the Internet to find out nutritional values of his foods? The fear of getting out of the comfort zone that he has built only increases and as the phenomenon becomes associated with indulgence, the fear intensifies and impairs the quality of life. I wrote about it here.
Fears often affect kidney function, but are also reflected in knees – here. In addition, strong heartbeat is an expression of fear – and fear is associated with sweating in the leg area at night, and in addiction to potassium – rich foods (potatoes, crackers and dried fruits).
Potassium is found in many fruits and fruits such as oranges, potatoes, dried fruit and fresh fruit, dried legumes, bananas, celery and nuts – all potential kidney killers. The habit of consuming such food is also limited to our way of taming the kidneys. More regarding this will be expanded on later in the article.
Deep grief – dividing pain according to its reflections in each of the
self's spaces: In the body it is pain, sorrow and boredom. In
this context, fear is an emotion that is evident in the space of life as
a lack of effort and in the space of thought
is a failure in planning for the future. Disruption
in understanding the way deserves to fulfil your aspirations.
People with kidney failure complain of lack of meaning, of boredom. In some cases, I recommend that they
return to reading books as they used to before the illness broke out.
When the bitter truth was revealed, grief began to flood, so Oedipus rose and looked out. King Oedipus – became blind
A man avoids feelings of grief. Many are distressed for psychological reasons that usually require treatment. People are afraid to approach their grief. A person who skips this rigid emotion risks his kidney health.
Grief is defined as one of the five rigid emotions (grief, anger, worry, anxiety and fear). Most people avoid experiencing it in their lives: Whenever a person has the opportunity to experience it, they are angry, helpful and helping others. Anger is a fictitious grief, but the relief after being defined as a stork= Enlistment for a great cause and even help after is defined as a high degree of morality – few pay attention to the accompanying motif of humiliation and renunciation of one's life that comes to the beholder from the side to the level of tragedy and sometimes it seems as a sacred comedy but a clown. And humiliation itself is sometimes a clown. Failure of the kidney function reveals that it is nothing more than a leap over a deep and important emotion.
With rage there are a number of levels – all of them are sort of an escape from dealing with the grief, the kind of collapse and degradation of the current value of emotion grief – grief is a lofty sentiment. Exclusive to his experience there is no change and no new way to start.
The kidneys reflect in silence (failure, illness, decline in function) in their dysfunction the highest degree of this escape known as rage and vengeance. Then it goes to the other humiliation, including rape or a sense of nothing – there is self-rape (Honey as a cockroach – Kafka, as a louse – Dostoevsky). There, it becomes over-devoted and overly concerned with garden plants and abandoned cats.
The stage of renal failure and decline of GFR reveals non-ordered feelings and inadequate coping with the feeling of sadness.
Neglect and sense of non-belonging – Kidney failure is diverse and can also reflect an obsession with the elite group, or a reflection of rejection and neglect states as well. You have no deeper disorder than the same rage that erupts and breaks all norms. The rage that erupts in the face of secondary, insignificant events reflects irregularities more than anything else. A grumpy and boiling man in the face of minor, marginal, blind events being start–ups – a trigger – are not the problem. More on that in my articles on the difference between conversations between friends and therapeutic conversations.
Gideon from the tribe of Menashe, victorious of the states – from the great victories – is mentioned in Psalms 23:12, in the book of Saul, also in Isaiah, and of course in the book of Judges (chapters 6 and 8), after his death, his son Abimelech rose up during the massacre of his brother who was denounced in their parable. Judge's book) here in a painting by Nicolas Poussin. "The Victory of Joshua over the Amorites". 1624-1626 – Nicolas Poussin
Conversations between friends – Conversations between friends are very important. They (in this regard) revolve around the start-up events. The same marginal events that cause emotional turmoil and emotional disorder. "Then he told me this and that, and I thought I would blow up in his face," this topic was common and central to many men I cared for and helped their kidneys recover.
Feelings of Non-Belonging – carries a wide sense of non-belonging. It was found among children seeking an adoption order, in the company of immigrants such as the State of Israel, and among people who had been cut off from their company by their youth. The topic of non-affiliation has been researched and published on a great deal of material – I wrote about it under the heading of an injured rooster – here and here. For questions and to make an appointment – browse below – there.
The kidneys remove excess phosphorus, potassium and sodium.
Milk products, for example, also pumpkin seeds, sunflower and sesame seeds – (grinding) their reduction in the food menu – will therefore be fundamental to the recovery of the kidneys in a situation where they have difficulty removing phosphorus from our body. More on this topic should be seen in the Prohibited Foods list that is presented towards the end of this article.
Nephrons – The Little Strainer – the little workers who make up the kidneys and constantly filter the blood are called nephrons – the nephrons eliminate excess phosphorus potassium and sodium from the blood. They are the small units inside the kidneys. Each kidney has about a million nephrons. Each nephron is built as a funnel. Into it flows the blood of the glomerulus (a small blood vessel, or capillary) that leads the blood to filter and clean. The capillaries form a tuber in this funnel – this is where the filtration is done. A small urine tube called Tubul Tubule is attached to this area. (The Takol Creatinine values are linked – see below). These two units undergo an interesting chemical process that the video above and its sequel: "Active and Secondary Transfer in Nephron" describe (here) and the result is that waste and water leave the blood and enter the urine.
Waste materials, along with chemicals that the body can use, enter these urine (nephrons) collection ducts.
The kidneys currently measure different levels of chemicals such as phosphorus, sodium and potassium and maintain a proper chemical balance between these components in the blood. Accordingly, the kidneys release the same unnecessary substances and remove them from the body. What does not belong and does not fit the optimal chemical balance of the body and blood is expelled to the urethra. In this way the kidneys regulate the level of these substances in the body and maintain order. Only what is good for the body, which retains the healthy balance, remains in the body. Excess or deficiency can cause damage. Therefore, the people who are entering the process of repairing the rogue kidneys are asked to reduce consumption of: Phosphorus (tahini), sodium (yellow cheese) and potassium (potatoes) derived from food.
Reduction of these elements comes to protect the kidneys during their work.
The kidneys work all the time, their work is unremitting, so it is important to evacuate these surpluses – waste goes out – because too much waste blocks and sabotages the proper functioning of the kidneys. This waste – the excess salts – just make it difficult for the kidneys to move and evacuate them from the kidneys to the urethra (tubule).
Remember, phosphorus congestion, Potassium and sodium are the wastes that impair the kidney's filtering ability and balance them.
The video above "Kidneys and Nephron" starting at 10:34 shows an explanation of the "reabsorption process" – the way the kidney maintains the body's water reservoirs, sugar (glucose) and the amino acids as well as the sodium, calcium and chlorine the body needs.
In addition to the removal of waste and maintaining reservoirs, glucose, etc. kidneys secrete three hormones that are important for the body: Erythropoietin (erythropoietin-EPO) – catalyzes the bone marrow to produce red blood cells; Renin – its role in hormone and blood pressure essays; Calcitriol – the active form of vitamin D. This hormone plays a role in Calcium entry and regulates bones.
Renal Function appears to be impaired due to impairment or weakness in nephron function (the small units within the kidneys). But in ultrasound, for example, this unit, the little worker, a nephron that is at the center of "Rogue Kidney Training" articles – and the healing process, can appear seemingly normal.
Nephron must be known many times. It is not necessarily in an anatomical problem. Often it is obstructive but in many cases its problem is psychological overall – psychology can certainly be one of the causes of blockage, chronic contraction that does not allow toxins, blocking kidney enzymes from working properly, loss of arterial elasticity, poisonous food. Incorrect food is harmful to health. In the case of rogue kidneys, mental stress, fatigue stimulates the lust that arises and is directed to foods high in phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Unfortunately, lust for proteins – excess protein is one of the main causes of loss of drainage flexibility. And the GFR filter index crash. Remember – the nephron is part of the body's piping! Without the healing pressures – what will release the awful contractions in the depths of our bodies?
Achievement – Individuals have been able to see that the GFR Index is rising on July 17, 2019, it stood at such a
threatening number 7.20 . See the
photo above – and here it appears from
March 31 – just fourteen days later, and after
Yaron Margolin's special treatment, another surprising measure. Creatinine (6.70) is also noticeable – an
impressive result: 6.70 This is an impressive drop from: 7.50 , with no two-week medication, but Margolin believes the GFR has risen
significantly and is currently at 8.30. As
far as known 7.20 so far has been an ominous index that cannot be recovered
from Mano. The test on July 31, 2019, shows that renal training is rogue,
and proper treatment of kidney failure and without medication, it can probably be done, if
done correctly, even in stages that are very close to death. The journey
of treatment that this test reveals is challenging, difficult and requires
concentration, but it is worthwhile. Good to know that kidney failure can be cured.
Decreased nephron function is evident. It impairs the ability of the filter, the enzymes that act on nephrons, and the balance of the chemical components in the blood. Damage to nephrons can occur quickly. When the GFR stands at 60, in 3 years 80% of nephrons can be clogged (the GFR then stands at 33, within 10 months the GFR crashes towards 18, and even further – I address this in the video here, the problem grows when it is discovered that – GFR goes through the 18th, within days or hours it reaches a single digit as death ranges from 0-5 GFR – stopping and stabilizing is a task no nephrologist has so far been able to meet – this is the moment when dialysis is needed, to extend life by a few months and even years and definitely manage to extend it that way even, on average 3.5 years – bravo nephrologists – and for what recovery?). This measure talks about poisoning – exposure to wrong and unhealthy foods for humans such as salt and sugar, excess phosphorus, potassium and protein, primarily for protein containing the dangerous hormone IGF-1 (which diets that help nephrologists, unfortunately, give to kidney patients). Most kidney diseases attack both kidneys simultaneously. Now the fear index is rising too, but the problem lies with psychology and its revelation – with passion. No passion for water, no passion for lettuce leaves and onion salad with Red pepper. They are healing foods. The lust for evil always, for the creators of the disease! Behind the lust stands unfortunate fear and the lack of effort also means a lack of determination and slow reactions.
Recovery can also be quick. To do this, the location of the injury must be accurate. In this context, one must know that not every lack of kidney function that a blood test indicates is due to a kidney problem. As mentioned, it can be psychological but also institutional – sometimes the problem with the drug that a person receives from a qualified doctor and takes without re-examination is precisely the one that injures the kidneys, liver or heart. Sometimes the source of the problem in another disease such as diabetes.
The first stage – to be obtained in a negative blood test to check the drugs, possibly does not apply anymore.
Sugar – Non-sugar filtration causes high blood glucose levels. The sugar acts as a poison that causes nephrons to damage. Damage to nephrons due to high blood glucose is called Diabetic nephropathy.
If the patient manages to maintain a proper level of glucose in his blood, by a diet that reduces carbohydrates, fats and sugars (or by medication or fasting), renal damage can be rejected or avoided. More on this diet – here. Raw food fasting is used to help recover from diabetes. Another different way is a diet that creates keto bodies. It is used to recover from Alzheimer's and dementia – here. As well as a short video where I talk with Dr Mariela Gallant Director of the Center for Diabetes and one of the great experts in this field today – here, here and here.
A drop in urea is the precursor to the recovery!
Step Two – The Urea – look at the urea values but also on the albumin – the urea index is first to determine. A drop in urea is the precursor to the recovery!
Salt – Non-filtration of salt causes an increase in high sodium in the blood. The salt acts as a poison that causes the rise in blood pressure – high blood pressure can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys – nephrons.
Salt is known to be superfluous and when eating unnatural food, salt intake increases and endangers health.
Vegetables and fruits have no excess salt but in processed foods there is plenty of salt!
Excess salt in the body drives the tiny blood vessels back into nephrons. The nephrons are coated with the epithelium. Most epithelial tissues are essentially large sheets of cells covering all the surfaces of the body exposed to the outside world and lining the outside of organs. Epithelium also forms much of the glandular tissue of the body. Skin is not the only area of the body exposed to the outside. Other areas include the airways, the digestive tract, as well as the urinary and reproductive systems, all of which are lined by an epithelium. Hollow organs and body cavities that do not connect to the exterior of the body, which includes, blood vessels and serous membranes, are lined by endothelium (plural = endothelia), which is a type of epithelium. Excess salt in the body That presses very hard on the inside walls of blood vessels returned to the nephron on the sides of the Glomrolos – and they cannot function properly or they are torn because of it. The salt crystal is like a sharp sugar crystal – hey both change the chemical structure of the liquid they are in it in a bad way which is adversely affected as if they are they are biting to rips the delicate sides. There is also an issue when blood pressure is lowered by medication. Man takes a pill to reduce blood pressure. Sometimes he adds a pill because of a negative blood pressure test result – for example, after unrestrained enjoyment of the plentiful cheeses, sausages, and preserved meat on a trip to Europe. The excess salt remains in the blood even after the extra bullet lowers blood pressure. The test is soothing and shows that the situation is under control. No blood pressure, the body seemingly balanced. These blood vessels in the kidneys treat this salt differently and only as excess. They cannot withstand the burden created and have difficulty flexing, expanding, moving and removing, by filtration, this waste from the blood as they should and want to do. In such cases, the patient receives medication to lower blood pressure, but the test will show excess albumin and more creatinine in the blood. There is an excess that indicates a protein problem, and the salt problem that joins the meat! Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEs and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) have been found to protect the kidneys more than other hypertensive drugs.
A glass of red wine – Red wine is great. In Israel today there is wonderful wine. Red wine is allowed twice a day. Red wine has health virtues (check that the wine contains no preservatives – poison to the kidneys and brain) but must not be salted and must not be drunk with added saturated fat and forbidden cheese and sausage and salami and salted meat – simply forbidden, but the mind is drawn to the forbidden foods and not to the permissible – it is the sting of lust. Potassium-rich vegetables and fruits balance blood pressure but they impair kidney function due to the congestion and overload they create on kidney filtration work, so please avoid them.
And another request – check the nutritional value of each fruit before you put it in here and act according to logic and recovery order, certainly not according to the requirements of lust.
GFR – Know the healthy foods and maintain a balanced and healthy diet – the measure of the recovery process and recovery rate is the filtration capacity, machine, as mentioned above, the GFR. It is the albumin and urea that teach about the resurgence of forces and the beginning of the fatigue removal process – the experience of looking at blood tests that reflect on the GFR index and albumin is an experience worth every effort.
Not only blood tests are used to understand the state of recovery. Blood tests are important, but they are often also deceptive: Creatinine rises and GFR decreases due to weight loss, the effect of the drugs that healers continue to take. And their dosage, already too strong, in the face of expanding blood vessels following a healing diet, also decreases blood pressure with the change and also requires reference, for example, to add salt to the ongoing naturopathic and nephrological treatment, despite the healing process. One should know – always because of weight loss even in healthy people, creatinine increases. Always nutrition deprived kidney stretching the arteries and blood vessels, not only reduces the weight it also reduces plaque (which is an area devoid of living bacteria but full of dead bacteria and live bacteria around trying to get through and failing because the area is blocked by sediment as fat which comes from a poor diet). And the old foods are also the drugs that go through no early stages of recovery – rightly so, far from adjusting to the health demands and changes the body goes through and it is made of good remedies because it simply lowers blood pressure, salt, sugar, and potassium, and also the essential vitamins in the body including the glutathione. Therefore focus on the filtering ability of the kidney and the values that are taught at reducing inflammation as urea – blood urea – Urea (testing chemical properties of blood, the measurement of urea is made to examine the effectiveness of nutrition convalescent), and Eureka acid uric acid (blood) is formed in the body as a result of metabolism of excess protein. And is contracted, among other things, as a plaque on the drainage system and accumulates as a fatty and inflammatory layer in the internal walls of the arteries. It should be remembered that the condition of excess uric acid in the blood is problematic, and its reduction characterizes the onset of recovery from the multi-protein kidney disease that destroys kidney. Lowering its values means expanding filtering capability and elevating GFR values. In any case, the decrease in the microalbuminuria – albumin in the urine or the HbA1C, A1C, are in large numbers. One also improves and even if the iron level in the blood improves slightly, even if creatinine has risen because of weight loss, and all this happens without a drug change, your recovery has begun. And so creatinine is not the important value in healing the kidney failure – to me, hereI must remind you that even returning to the exercise program I ask you to start, with a daily walk of about fifteen minutes, it also raises the value of creatinine initially. In such cases, the albumin sets, and the urea.
And when the urea comes down, you smile – because you succeed
And when the urea index goes down, you smile – because you have succeeded! And the results of the effort will be very quickly found in the rise of GFR or eGFR – the most important measure of kidney recovery. Truthfully, I have yet to meet a nephrologist who has seen GFR values rise regularly without medication. Everyone is astonished when my clients come to get the results of the test: "I did not know that the GFR knows how to rise steadily," one of the best nephrologists in Israel snapped in amazement at my patient and other blood test results.
Blood pressure goes down, thanks to the drugs but sodium stays in the body and damages the basic unit of the kidney – blood pressure drops, as is the rule of blood glucose, but it's a misrepresentation – in practice sodium (salt) or excess glucose didn't go anywhere and it destroys the sieve – your kidneys.
People often check their creatinine level but sodium is the problem – so if you want to heal the kidney's rebellion and avoid that terrible dialysis, the filter must be cleaned. The eGFR or GFR should rise to a minimum of 80."Carl The Twelfth" (June 17, 1682 – November 30, 1718) King of Sweden from 1697-1718 from the Wittelsbach dynasty. One of the boldest young men in human history. The guy who lived, and thrived on the battlefield. Charles XII by Johann Heinrich Wedekind
It is possible to recover and raise the nephron filtration index in the kidney – you must raise the GFR
To really know where the healing process is, you need to run a number of blood and urine tests. As their importance rises they are not necessarily the most accurate, but they are very helpful.
From a correspondence with my patient, who came out of the nephrologist with new blood and urine test results.
After I was hospitalized by my nephrologist, I came to you. According to the nephrologist my kidney function was 18% – today my kidney function is 25%. He was surprised by this result and I hope to be surprised again, and not to forget that these results are due to you.
Thank you my dearest – I feel honored in my part for working with you. In fact, 25% requires an index increase of the GFR to 33. Looking at 90 for a person your age like 100% (for a 100% younger person is obviously 120) – Greetings..
Albumin – the Appearance of Protein in the Urine – Caution: Inflammation
The appearance of protein (Albumin – under test: in urine chemistry) or a decrease in blood or both in conjunction with a decrease in blood and its rise in the urine are often the first signs of kidney disease in which the injury occurs in the small blood vessels – glomerular, in the nephrons of the kidneys.
The albumin is our transport driver and one of the important functions of
the albumin is to bind essential components of the
bloodstream and lead them to the body's organs. Ingredients such as: Hormones,
fatty acids, trace elements reach the body's organs – thanks to the fact that medicine is injecting
steroids into the patient, who is injured. And the
amount of albumin in the blood goes down. This is bad, so doctors are
cautious and rarely give steroids. In the normal state the albumin is
hardly present in the urine. When the insulin is unbalanced, the pancreas is weakened, damaged, declining,
and diabetes begins, and the albumin (produced in the liver) drops in the blood
(the normal albumin level in the blood is 5.5-3.5 g / dl) and worse, it rises
and rises in the urine. The rest is a kidney problem.
Brief explanation: Filtration takes place in nephrons. Each kidney has about a million nephrons. In the nephron Hglomrolos (small blood vessels, glomeruli) blends (woven from) with ductile urine collection little known Tobol Tubule (tube). Between these two units a complex chemical process is underway and the result is that waste materials and water leave the blood and enter the urine. Urinary protein (albumin – Albuminuria) or urine blood indicates that these blood vessels in the nephron have been attacked. Sometimes you will meet the term 'Proteinuria' which is the condition where protein appears in the urine, sometimes also called Albuminuria (Albuminuria) – the presence of albumin (the main protein in blood serum) urine. Normally protein should not appear in the urine. There are anti-inflammatory remedies such as the addition of turmeric (half a teaspoon per day) from turmeric root – (see at the end of my article on Alzheimer's and Nutrition is a space of thinking, turmeric root is a cure for the brain, and the drink is in this article. The links are here and here). 3-4 cloves of garlic can reduce the inflammation created here over time. Alternatively, if the urine test shows a low grade and meaning that there is no albumin in the urine of the non-inflammatory kidney problem or the small blood vessels in the nephron, meaning no Albuminuria. The nephrons are intact – reversible – but they have trouble working. This is the time to come to urgent treatment of the healing pressures clinic – to prevent deterioration from which there is no known origin. Probably the cause of the problem is congestion and the person is called for restraint, internal resilience and change of dietary habits, to reduce the congestion and load of waste on the system that filters and removes it from the blood – the blood must be clean. Some people prefer to continue to eat hard cheeses, smoked salmon and salted steaks and dialysis, or die. I have come across them. A 34-year-old guy with a GFR 28 told me: "I'm not going to go into ascetic life" and left. Today he's waiting for dialysis, after his screening index collapsed below GFR 14. In the United States, kidney failure is the number one cause of death.
A1C is another important metric. It must be followed. This means diabetes and loss of the flexibility of the arteries that endanger your kidney health. Diabetes is easy to heal. In such situations, I handled it successfully and fairly quickly. Do not hide this measure due to fear of kidney failure. Patients who hide the sugar hemoglobin (A1C) from me are disabling treatment. It is imperative to follow the history of the A1C, because the treatment of kidney failure is caused by varied and completely different diabetes. For example, while regular kidney treatment allows you to eat bread, you must eat bread. In the treatment of kidneys when the blood sugar goes over 110, you must not consume bread at all.
Buckwheat – Buckwheat Protein is an excellent protein for flexing arteries. Buckwheat protein is a complete protein, containing all 8 essential amino acids, especially lysine, throne and tryptophan. Buckwheat contains a bioflavonoid called "Routine" which is found in the first line of arterial defence, a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the blood vessels, prevents bleeding and helps to regulate the entire bloodstream and is therefore used to prevent high blood pressure. Routine is found in other sources, but in buckwheat it is much higher. Buckwheat contains wonderful protein and is therefore used in kidney recovery and protein fasting in the third phase after about 11 months of first treatment and the need to strengthen the first line of defence of the gastrointestinal tract. With 150 grams of buckwheat you will find the amount of protein per day (at 100 grams of buckwheat there is about 13 grams of protein this is a wonderful amount of fasting protein) during the third recovery period from kidney failure and GFR index lower than 30. Consume cooked / sprouted / sprouted buckwheat (regular sprouting is not necessary to get a green sprout!). Buckwheat is good for diabetics and can be eaten on a daily basis (4 tablespoons per day – only).
Glucose is the major energy source of body cells. It comes to us from carbohydrates found in food. During the digestive process the carbohydrates break down into glucose. Glucose is the food of brain cells, and they always require an energy source, it is also one of the reasons that a person racks his brains, reaches the end of the day, gets home and storms his stores of glucose. If this topic interests you, please click here – after an assault on Glucose stores: Baguettes, buns, bread rolls, challah, pita, spaghetti and pizza also waffles, chips and nuts, peanuts, and even tahini, blood glucose and cellular levels rise immediately. But the energy available in the cells is in glucose, the body's storage is already full and the quantity is also enough for a month (glucose is stored there as fat). The excess (of glucose) is stored in the liver and muscle cells, also in the kidneys (this is a big problem for kidney patients) as Glycogen. Glycogen is a preservative that helps regulate blood glucose concentration. Between meals, when blood glucose and blood levels go down and the brain gets tired and the food needs it, the glycogen is decomposed back into glucose. Glucose provides faster energy than fat, so it is particularly suitable for feeding the brain and muscle cells, which are required for fast and sudden activity, especially if you need to escape or attack a red traffic light, for example. Most people do not go out for a run at the end of the meal, nor do they solve a complicated problem and therefore their blood sugar levels rise normally. But the condition in the blood is maintained and returns to normal value within an hour to two thanks to the guardian pelvic action and stores the sugar called insulin. The body will do everything to prevent blood sugar levels from rising, and so the war of attrition – more pulses and more sugar and more work – and more attempts to treat the palsy father of the pancreas, when the problem – excess sugar – persists and the insulin erupts and to help it create another pulsar and a pulsar battalion to store the glucose. Variance – good result Blood sugar levels are maintained, excess sugar comes out of the blood, but the price of significant arterial inflammation, hypertension, increased fat – triglycerides. Decrease in arterial cholesterol (HDL). More on that here. For a moment, this situation creates a need to create more pulsans (insulin) and attracts the beta cells in the pancreas – these paternal ancestors. This is what is called insulin resistance and those who announce its arrival are three: triglycerides, good cholesterol and sugary hemoglobin A1C – measure A1C in the blood. Hapsnai compresses the glucose as mentioned above into the cells. When the place is full and heavy and the muscles and kidneys collapse from the back of his or her back, a solution is found and they connect to the hemoglobin found in the red blood cells in the bloodstream. And it becomes a sugar hemoglobin machine – A1C – more names – glycated hemoglobin, HbA1C , A1C – In most laboratories the normal range of A1C is 4.5-5.9%, an index above 6 needs treatment – and if you choose my treatment its history should be sent to me – it reflects to me how long your kidneys are filling up with ammonia to deal with the excess glucose that has already been compressed into the red balls after blood has no room for it at all. In blood tests you will see this as urea (the ammonia becomes urea to protect the kidneys) and for this reason the urea drop in urine testing is a reason to smile, because recovery is on the horizon, and when it comes to a terminal illness that shortens your life, this information is of utmost importance for your recovery and saving your life.
Persistence – To succeed in the kidney recovery campaign, bombastic statements "I will excite everyone", "Yaron, I will do whatever you say" … Mainly to persevere, escape from common effort, our culture encourages laziness. A king is synonymous with one who does nothing himself, but many do for him! Instead of investing in a recovery process, which is a topic that can fill your life with meaning, the person returns to seek a panacea, thinking it will do the job for him – what a lazy choice!
I met people in the lobby with healers who
explained to me that my method worked – and realized that it was perhaps,
nowadays, the only way to heal the kidneys, that had escaped
treatment. Others, especially men, are in the middle courses because the
GFR has risen from 16.7 to GFR 22 in months, rather than two days.
Yes, in many cases you should go through eating whole rice, peas, buckwheat, apple and even oatmeal for a beef meal (first 3 months) to recover. Why consider it an ascetic, or an impossible task?
Yes, you must also drink nettle tea and start the kettle, waking up from sleep/morning with a half-liter of water that is preceded by a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and a tablespoon of organic olive oil. To me, waking up this way seems to make the most sense.
Mercury and ParisAnnibale CarracciFresco, 1602
Organic excellent olive oil from Kibbutz Gezer is a great remedy in the renal repair process. Organic olive oil contains a good amount of Coenzyme Ky-10 – it speeds up kidney recovery, and causes a noticeable improvement in diabetic patients, can reduce the dosage of blood pressure, if you have had a heart attack, a stroke, or if you have a kidney rehabilitation process please try using Olive oil from Kibbutz Gezer or Solved Ptora Malchish, also an amazing and very tasty olive oil, to advance your recovery processes and avoid some troubles that the good drugs push into your life.
The body and mind are an action force, the rest is required for the renewal of powers, but it is not the main goal and purpose. Those who are lazy choose their preference – degenerating in their psyche and body even when I met in my clinic – I am all in pain for them. Their chances of recovery are small, trusting them with an external force that will make them compassionate. This article, even if it is not intended for them, may still help them cope with the disease and their hope for an outside savior who will drink olive oil in morning for them and exercise for them for fifteen minutes at sunset. And if not for them, the next generation. Following them may be helpful.
Simon Wah of the French Renaissance. Peak Junta Pisano's cross-concept of the Bologna crucifixion – Pisano's concept created the twisting of emotion on the renowned emotional cross that gives rise to a movement known as the Renaissance.
16,000 people are currently awaiting dialysis in Israel – supposedly the modern killing tool, statistics speak of over a thousand of them dying in the first year (a figure of 2,400 dialysis patients two years ago) and waiting an average of 7 years for kidney seizures. When you can recover from the disease.
Microalbuminuria – is another form of renal impairment. The source of the disease is another disease (diabetes) and it is evident that the disease does not allow the kidneys to separate the albumin from the waste. Identify the alarming phenomenon initially, with very small amounts of albumin leaking into the urine (urine test). This condition is called microalbuminuria.
Micro-albuminuria is defined as a stage in which the concentration of albumin in the urine exceeds 30 mg every 24 hours. The disease is in the range of 30-300 milligrams of albumin per gram of creatinine (0.03-0.3). Over this range, the disease is more serious, but in my experience, quite easily recoverable.
In healthy people albumin level in the Urine is usually very low and is in the range of 20-30 milligrams of albumin in 24 hours, or less than 2 milligrams per deciliter. In subjects with renal injury due to diabetes, albumin leakage occurs in increasing amounts over time, especially if no rapid steps are taken to improve blood sugar. I found that healing from this disease is very simple if you eliminate diabetes and it is also very easy – and this recovery as I noted above is quick and miraculously brings about a real improvement in kidney function and the patient can come out of kidney diabetes (diabetic nephropathy) that so far could not be cured. In one case as I tell in a short article here – a 73-year-old patient stopped injecting insulin after two weeks even though the disease had resided in her body for 30 years. She is still healthy.
The results of the tests: Microalbuminuria, and macroalbuminuria (over 300 Albumin in the urine) are one of the indicators that teach me about how to promote recovery and recovery in the state of renal rejection, to the extent possible, of the dialysis phase, of great importance. Rejection is essential to longevity and maintaining their quality. In addition to this without any healing treatment, time is pressing. Once the filtering index drops to 33 GFR time is no longer in our hands. These are a few months, sometimes only a few days. None of the patients have so far been on dialysis and the screening index has stopped falling in everyone, as in most cases it is only rising. Results of these things can be seen in blood and urine tests at the end of this article and throughout. For kidney diabetes, see my articles here.
Kidney diabetes – identified by A1C data – is a latent disease in its early stages and is rapidly deteriorating. The first sign of concern is the A1C fish and urine protein loss (mentioned above) in excess of the norm. Index of 25, 30 and over (albumin – which reflects inflammation in the minimal pipeline) a subject as mentioned above.
Remember this disease, diabetes, is not the subject of this article, and comes to mind here first, because it has been neglected by nephrologists; and second, because it is linked to the basics of kidney disease – diabetes is latent kidney disease, no symptoms and only urine examination reveals the true condition. Since kidney disease is currently the number one terminal disease in the world, it is important to pay attention to the source of the problem. Diabetes, pancreatic fatigue, excess carbohydrates – loss of arterial elasticity and transport in the body – as it is the home disease and the kidney's mother, all of the fundamental diseases of a rogue kidney are all easily cured, if not left out of fanaticism and old-fashioned thinking and irritate it and all maternal diseases such as chronic muscle spasm, hyperacidity, loss of system flexibility, Digestion … is the topic of kidney failure recovery, but even if the kidneys have failed and you have blood glucose levels above 120, and A1C hemoglobin – more names – glycated hemoglobin, HbA1C, A1C – in most labs its normal range is 4.5-5.9 %, an index above 6 must report – because here the problem should be addressed. At any rate in your call to me it is important to note how many years the A1C is passing the 6th index! This information is very important for diagnosing and determining the most appropriate way to start your recovery from kidney-free diabetes.
If you really want to recover from the problem of diabetic kidney failure it is important to me that you know recovery is possible. Anyone who wants to recover from a disease which diabetes is behind will refer to the article "Kidney Diabetes (Diabetic Nephropathy) Yes, You Can Heal". All the secrets in this article – just click and get started – it's up to you.
Yaron Margolin – Those moments when I get the results of the lab and the healer yells over the phone line: "The GFR has gone up. Yaron was right, good I listened to you." They are the ones for whom every morning is worth getting up and embarking on a complex journey of recovery processes.
I would be happy to answer any questions – contact me here or scroll down.
Creatinine and Measurement of Kidney Function – The kidneys regulate by way of filtration and separation of waste from the blood the feeding and drainage arrangements of your body. It's about order and cleanliness – such an order is celebrated every year in Nissan. It is also known as the Feast of Freedom and in fact the Last Supper is Passover itself as celebrated on Mount Zion in Jerusalem some 2000 years ago. Originally the Passover was the transition from death to life – this transition is taking place in ancient Egypt (according to the Bible) and led to the return to Israel, the Promised Land. It affected life choices and situations, neatness of life or ways of life of the individual and can measure the arrangements. For this there is Article Creatinine in the blood test. Another section of this task – GFR which also relies on the measurement of creatinine, the age of the subject and its weight change due to its recovery process, and also on the urine production measurement.
Urea (Urea) binds circulating and surplus sugar (glucose and excess protein) actually is a janitor – it cleans up the junk liquid in the kidney, powering it clean. The Urea actually runs the nephron. This is a very hard work. It works in the bi-directional countercurrent exchange system in its work that allows the re-adsorption of essential water and ions from the excreted urine.
Ammonia – a common by-product of body metabolism, is toxic and should be neutralized. The ammonia (urine) is formed in the liver for this purpose. The kidneys also produce ammonia – when the acid grows in the environment, ammonia is produced to neutralize.
Basic ammonia and base (Ph) It comes to balance animal acidity and the carbohydrates in plant foods. Acidity that rises and destroys the kidneys, the ammonia partly forms in the kidney and over time, as someone who comes to help, stays in it and destroys it. Excess ammonia is one of the root causes of the destruction of the kidneys and therefore it is also one of the reasons my requirements (Yaron Margolin) maintain fasting plant protein in cases of extreme (i.e. GFR which is below 30). The level of urea stated in an official language represents the amount of protein a person consumes and excretion through the kidneys.
In fact, this is an excess of protein consumption. Chronic muscle contractions are another measure of urea – the constant contractions of the muscles negatively affect the level of urea and vice versa – in my opinion, urea has become an important and accurate measure of creatinine for the examination of kidney function in any way with the constant pressure of healing, the constant observation of the media has proved successful. (I have not known success so far in healing the kidneys by another method).
It should be mentioned that the number of kidney patients is not rising – although every day new patients are added to the pool of patients and veterans.
The kidney's ability to secrete urinary ammonia in acidosis (pH below 7.4) can increase 4-fold if there is acidosis. The existence of an acidic imbalance is due to other proteins and carbohydrates, but it can also occur, for example, in cases where there is a high level of potassium in the blood – hypercalcemia: the cells in the body "sense" the excess potassium in the blood and introduce excess potassium into them in exchange for the removal of hydrogen and the formation of acidic acidosis (the removal of hydrogen into the bloodstream). This is also one of the reasons why kidney recovery processes require the avoidance of potassium consumption, for example, potatoes, bananas, eggs and borax.
François-André Vincent (1746-1816) Arria and Paetus. Arria, the wife of Paetus, who was condemned to death by the emperor Claudius, stabbed herself then passed the dagger to her husband, saying: "Paete, non dolet" ("Paetus, it does not hurt"). This subject is characteristic of the "examples of virtue" that constituted an aspect of the historical genre.
Ammonia (or ammonium ions) is formed in the kidneys during glutamine metabolism. The kidneys receive glutamine mainly from the liver, and sodium salts from the plasma. The kidneys perform metabolism of Glutamine, especially Tobol proximal and secrete June ammonia. Consequently when every molecule of glutamine created two molecules of ammonia and one divalent anion. Wait – what is glutamine? Of course it is a protein, a very common amino acid in the body but one of the body's gluteins in glucose is stimulated and promotes the synthesis of amino acids and glucose for energy, fuel for the body (glycogen). In fact, glutamine has come to encourage the enzyme that controls glycogen storage in the muscles and liver. Thus, the body optimizes the activity of the glycogen storage enhancer mechanism. The obvious advantage in the creation of glutathione – one of the basics of the first line of defence needed to heal the kidneys, but here we look at the devastating excess production that the kidneys need to make ammonia – going back to glycogen is biological fuel, Glucose – in a high carbohydrate diet that I ask the recovering patient to stop. Glycogen construction is called glycogenesis – this occurs when there are high glucose levels in the blood and cells and when the place is full, the dedicated insulin patient has done his job. In doing so, insulin did not end its role because the production and decomposition of glycogen (when the body needs energy) are mediated by insulin. And when the energy level in cells is more than enough, the insulin goes into production. Glycogen depletion (mixing of the base compound with the catalyst – glycogen synthase, to produce the desired substance) is done on glycogen. Glycogenin is a great product it has the ability to bind at least four glucose residues, and when done, the enzyme glycogen synthase can catalyze the addition of additional glucose residues. Glycogen maintains blood glucose regulation, but excess and other kidneys help protect the ammonia that destroys them over time.
."The Flood" The flood scene – in it Michelangelo describes the approaching flood and the people who try to escape it in the hope of being saved from the decree. In the background of the description is the Ark of Noah as a square and closed wooden structure, with a frieze divided by wooden beams and a sloping roof, in which one of its upper windows stands a white dove as a symbol of hope. In the section before us the miraculous human figures appear in the center of the painting. Michelangelo Buonroti – Sistine Chapel Ceilin.
Ammonia (or ammonium ions) is formed in the kidneys during glutamine metabolism. The kidneys receive glutamine mainly from the liver, and sodium salts from the plasma. The kidneys perform metabolism Glutamine, especially Tobol proximal and secrete an ion: ammonia. Consequently, when every molecule of glutamine created two molecules of ammonia and one divalent anion. Wait – what is glutamine? Of course it is a protein, a very common amino acid in the body but one of the body's gluteins in glucose stimulates and promotes the synthesis of amino acids and glucose for energy, fuel for the body (glycogen). In fact, glutamine has come to encourage the enzyme that controls glycogen storage in the muscles and liver. Thus, the body optimizes the activity of the glycogen storage enhancer mechanism. Its obvious advantage in the creation of glutathione – one of the basics of the first line of defence needed to heal the kidneys, but here we look at the devastating excess production that the kidneys need to make ammonia -– going back to glycogen is biological fuel, Glucose – in a high carbohydrate diet that I ask the recoverer to stop. Glycogen construction is called glycogenesis – this occurs when there are high glucose levels in the blood and cells and when it is full, the dedicated insulin patient has done his job. In doing so, insulin did not end its role because the production and decomposition of glycogen (when the body needs energy) are mediated by insulin. And when the energy level in cells is more than enough, the insulin goes into production. Glycogen depletion (mixing of the base compound with the catalyst – glycogen synthase, to produce the desired substance) is done on glycogen. Glycogenin is a great product as it has the ability to bind at least four glucose residues, and when done, the enzyme glycogen synthase can catalyze the addition of additional glucose residues. Glycogen maintains blood glucose regulation, and help protect the kidneys from ammonia that destroys them over time.
Excess production of Urine is the result of excess ammonia, which is the result of excess carbohydrates, sugars, glycogen proteins which can cause a type of arthritis called gout. Against this problem, I recommend sipping tea as an initial remedy alongside protein fasting. Remember: Renal failure is characterized by a progressive increase in the level of urea in the blood (urea), as well as creatinine and uric acid.
Increased levels of uric acid in the blood are also a measure of loss of arterial elasticity and associated with increased risk of cardiovascular and degenerative diseases such as kidney failure and chronic inflammation (a topic I wrote about here). It should be noted that in this condition there is less ammonia secretion through the kidneys, which makes urine more acidic, which makes uric acid less soluble, and easier to crystallize and form stones in addition to the production of uric acid crystals. Zinc fasting and reducing food intake can lower the presence of uric acid in the blood.
Polycystic – kidney cyst – uric acid in blood test warns of diabetes, and overuse of dairy diet: cheese, yogurt – even the presence of a cyst. It is a kind of bag or space filled with liquid. The phenomenon is called "polycystic" and excess uric acid suspects the existence of Cysts. Talk about Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Zinc Fast – Avoid Beer Preservatives 9.97 (amount of zinc in mg per 100 grams of food) from wheat bran, 7.30. Peanuts, 6.68. Cocoa, 6.37. Sunflower seeds, 5.29. Tahini, 4.62. 4.28 Lentils 3.44, Lentils 3.44, Soybeans 3.10 and Peas 3.00 The establishment sees it as an end of a verse and a genetic protector. Animal urine
clearance (Urea) can also be used for GFR assessment. Urea undergoes free filtration in the kidney tubers, and about 40% is re-absorbed in tubes, similar to the evacuation of creatinine, the values of evacuation of urea can reflect the GFR true. (It should be noted that urea clearance will give an inaccurate estimate and will show a small measure of the truth – lack of the eGFR or GFR, as a result of the re-uptake of kidney obesity resulting in a significantly higher rate than creatinine).
For questions – here or scroll down
Creatinine is a waste material generated by normal disassembly of muscle cells during activity.
Creatine, the enzyme creatine phosphokines, is used as a muscle energy reservoir. It becomes a creatinine – a protein that passes into the blood and is eliminated as kidney waste through the urine. Progressive renal failure is characterized by an increase in blood levels. My desire is to reduce creatinine – derived from excess protein – is fasting (from) proteins.
Protein production decreases in poor protein conditions, protein fasting is a diet I created to reduce to 26 grams per day (4 tablespoons peas per day – protein intake) and provide the necessary protein for kidney rehabilitation. Exact protein fasting can also reach a dose of only 17 grams of protein per day. A man can eat 17 grams of salmon – the salmon is defined as male food. More on this topic in my articles here. Protein reduction reduces the BUN-uria to creatinine ratio in the blood test. The fasting "protein fast" also affects the creatinine level. He lowers his values in blood. Low blood pressure also results from significant muscle tissue depletion due to weight loss. Therefore the BMI should be measured and add sports activity. Low blood creatinine index, usually in subjects, reflects very poor muscle mass, so the decrease in muscle mass per se, due to protein fasting, lowers creatinine values, but does not reflect renal recovery!
In my work from returning the patient to the patient, I want to start a moderate sporting activity. The sport strengthens and increases muscle mass. First sign of the success of protein fasting in the urea index – it also drops the important albumin index, but the blood urea index is more important.
Beginning in the second month, in the second or third blood test in the required diagnostic sequence, creatinine usually still looks high, and even rises, over the previous test – do not worry about looking at the urea index. This frustrates those who are institutionalized by bigotry. And if the situation is not quite complicated, during recovery, in addition to what has been said so far, when the body experiences a food shortage, for example, when the diet is not properly balanced as in reducing too much protein or moving to raw food fast (raw food – increases the presence and ability to utilize its components in the stomach, activity, the enzymes on it are better, and it is based on plant-only nutrition). Blood creatinine values rise, but change – urea decreases – and their ratio changes. He also sets and teaches my steps.
Recovery or menu changes to be made:
The situation is strange: Creatinine Elite says there is a change in the order of the inner space world, even as the amount of clogged nephrons increases (an increase in the level of creatinine in the blood – expressing an advanced stage of kidney nephron damage) but urea has declined to say that inflammation in the drainage system has decreased – the source of the sugar. Another important indicator of the good cholesterol – the HDL if it increases or even remains stable; the present also means another inflammatory source – the protein and fat has dropped. Recovery has begun.
For good cholesterol, HDL plays a crucial role in building cell membranes, creating hormones, and flexing the arteries. High HDL level in optimal blood test – HDL level higher than 60 mg / dL (in both sexes) is considered a healthy level. Its rise indicates a process of recovery.
Pierre-Paul Freedon is one of the greatest painters. An 18-year-old painter, forgotten and re-recognized. Presented mostly in the Louvre. Peridon was born in Cluny, Sun-Loire, France. He was soon orphaned from both parents and unofficially adopted by Father Besson – a monk from Cluny's Abbey. With the support of the Bishop of Micon, Fridon began his studies in painting at the Dijon Academy, France, where he studied with the leading painter François Desvoges Francois. In 1778, he returned to Cluny to marry Jeanne Pugant, daughter of a notary, who was pregnant. A local baron (Joursanvault) supported him and allowed him to continue his studies in Paris under the patronage of Jean-Baptiste Pierre (1713-1780 Jean-Baptiste Pierre), who was then the king's first painter, when his tremendous talent was discovered and in 1784 Fridon won at the prestigious Rome Award of the Burgundian Academy, the Rome Award allowed Freidon to spend four years in Italy (this is the award procedure). He was twenty-six when he left to study in Rome (1784) – where he met the genius sculptor – the neoclassical Antonio Canova (1822-1757 Antonio Canova) and admired his work as well as that of Leonardo da Vinci. Peridon was deeply impressed by the Old Master, what stands out in his heroic sketches such as the sketch attached here and his works below, it is the subtlety that hovers with great spiritual power and the heavenly subtlety that inflates the characters from within inspired by the Venetian school. He did not mingle in Rome with the painters who worked in the city because they preferred the modern art of the era while drawing on the intensity of its originality and its particular spiritual power that led it to delve into the Renaissance genius that preceded them. Return to Paris (1789) found work for the wealthy of the city. After Robespierre's fall (1794), he moved to the village of Franche-Comté for two years, where he spent painting portraits. One of his most important works (Madame Anthony and Her Two Children, 1796) (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon painted during this period). He returned to Paris in 1795 and was highly regarded and respected (1796-1799 The Hôtel de Lanois), with his influential friend Nicolas Frochot entering the Bonaparte family and in 1805 he wrote and painted Josephine Napoleon's first wife (shown in the Louvre) – He separated from his wife and shortly thereafter began to approach the talented painter Constance Mayer (1775-1821) at first his only pupil and later his beloved, his partner and artistic partner. His spoken work "Divine Justice and Revenge that Pursues the Criminal" and appears on this page, above, created by Freidon in 1808 also in the Louvre. (Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime). A major crisis ripped his mind – in 1821, when Constance Meyer, his beloved who apparently suffered from depression, committed suicide in his apartment in Sorbonne. Shortly thereafter (in 1822) he created his crucifix (a masterpiece), which he painted for St. Etienne's Cathedral in Metz and is now in the Louvre. The illustrious painter of the Medusa T. Odor Grico is among his students. Peridon became famous as a huge painter of large scale scenes, all of them on display in the Louvre. But he left behind a rare collection of masterpieces on display in small collections. Today his work is being revived and Peridon is defined as one of the highest achievers of French classicism.
An increase in creatinine levels in the blood is an ominous signal. It warns you and comes to articulate an advanced stage of kidney nephron damage. It should be known that the determination of creatinine is a sensitive indicator to detect the early stages of kidney damage or kidney recovery. When the little worker that filters your blood in your kidneys ceases to work for some reason, you must immediately embark on a recovery journey. The urea status should be checked – in pathological conditions, the increase in urea (urea) in the blood is faster than the increase in creatinine level. When the creatinine is high in the blood test, it means about half of the nephrons (renal filtration) have stopped functioning.
There is little significance in high creatinine indexes for actual renal function. What this reflects is a metric. The urea, albumin and GFR filtration index BUN also helps to understand the picture. I also recommend checking the status of homocysteine.
You don't have the time anymore – the reason why you should hurry and treat the kidney problem created without medication – and naturally, every nephrologist will tell you: Different drugs have a toxic effect on the kidneys and as a result will result in a reduced clearance of creatinine in no time and rise in blood levels afterwards.
It's your decision.
For questions – here or scroll down
"Regisole – The Shimmering Sun Rays – Before Oscillation", in 1937 Francesco Messina won an outstanding invitation from the city of Pavia Fabia, a city located in northern Italy, and the capital of the Fabia province of Lombardy. The city is asking him to carry for him the horse-riding monument called Regisole, which will be set in the city's main square in Plaza Duomo. It is an amazing and extraordinary work in its power, importance and beauty. Regisole is a concept in the pub – and Messina, as usual, has been up to the challenge.
The Injured Rooster or Psychology after the High Creatinine in the Blood Test
The excess of creatinine is undesirable so the excess is eliminated from the blood by the kidneys through the urine. In excess, the muscles cannot store it in their cells either. The person becomes tired and when the kidneys stop functioning and their muscles weaken, he begins to look for what to do. Creatinine from this moment is unnecessary and constitutes a foreign person who is not wanted and not needed by the group and that has psychological effects which I call "injured rooster". I wrote about The Wounded Rooster here and here. Kidney reflects good social status. They divert the creatinine from the blood to the urine, which is eliminated as unnecessary waste from the body through the drainage system. This is called filtering. This is the stage at which people zealously stay, for those whose kidneys have never recovered.
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (1758 – 1823) was a French Romantic painter and draughtsman best known for his allegorical paintings and portraits such as Madame Georges Anthony and Her Two Sons. In particular, he painted a portrait of both of Napoleon's wives.
Blood (a fluid whose energy is male) is not clean when creatinine rises, and its female energy balance goes wrong and as a result, male energy is impaired. The problem points to excess activity, hyperactivity and is reflected in a lack of social satisfaction, a failure to manage a way of life, a strategic line, and a breakthrough of the first line of defence in the body of free radicals that damage the immune system. The psychological imbalances when the creatinine rises in the blood and is also evident in muscle contraction chronic armpit region [the muscle Tres Major, the connectors between the scapula and the forearm.) As well as anything related to a human-social system (invasive, sticky, weak, obsessed, or unwanted person, rejected, lonely, lonely, socially failing, and vice versa, balance and recovery look like the return home of the lost son.
Another phenomenon is reflected in higher creatinine levels – it prevents any effort or ability to reach a goal. Lack of inertia – thus difficult to maintain treatment for rogue kidney recovery. The strategy and objective understanding of the vision is usually very good, even great, but the execution fails.
High creatinine generally implies a lack of life skills, one does not put effort into various causes – usually due to fear but it is just one reason. He is afraid to go out, afraid of reaching the goal he is aiming for. Although effort is exerted, wasted on a minor or minor task, it may be the insistence on taking part in a group that, in fact, has no need to take part.
This phenomenon is associated with the silence of the teenage period and especially in the 15-17 years – see articles here, browse there until the subheading is "Injured". A sense of belonging is also associated with impeccable and false accusations in the cool room or the family.
Lust for salt – associated with high creatinine and a sense of social belonging, false accusations – and a lack of life skills that require physical effort. High blood creatinine in blood test also indicates problems, in living space, receiving hard news, demanding errands, dedicated (perhaps overly dedicated) service to people, over-recruited as well as fatigue known as exhausted emotional brain – on the subject of tired emotional brain – I posted an article – here
Two Satyrs' by Peter Paul Rubens
Lust for Sugar – Golozo – associated in Albumin Low blood and urine albumin secretion originating in insulin imbalance, weakness of the pancreas and insulin is worse (well above the 2 insulin) or may indicate various liver diseases, not only for kidney diseases and nutritional problems. Low blood values must cause concern. Psychologically the phenomenon reflects over-dedication, preference for the other over oneself, desire, sabotage of will, guilt and lack of space, even in the absence of one's own place and lack of life skills. Probably the way chosen to develop them focuses on the thinking space, intellectually and involves learning that requires no physical effort and no experience in the field. One of his appearances is called edema in the body that appears to be thirsty and has lost arterial elasticity. When one does not drink enough water, they suffer from edema many times. In case the person does drink, the albumin that is responsible for preventing blood vessels from flowing from the blood vessels to the body's tissues (creates positive oncotic pressure) is low in the blood and a failure in its function. The main manifestation of a decrease in blood albumin levels is fluid accumulation in the tissues and the appearance of edema: In the legs (especially around the ankles), in myocardial disease in "heart failure" where the patient begins to "drown" when the left heart failure, and the liver is the liver. As a result, the fluid accumulates in the lower part of the body and the patient's legs in the heart muscle, swelling and the phenomenon appears to be edema. In vascular lung disease – Pulmonary blood vessels are the source of terrible edema. As these blood vessels lose their elasticity, the conduit creates, the pressure it increases, the muscles surrounding it shrink, and many times it is formed due to edema in the rigid area – conditions of vascular disease are those in which it is edema. The problem of edema in the lungs is developing a pulmonary embolism, the person "drowned" in a fluid that penetrates into his lungs. There is edema penetrating into the abdominal cavity and of course the albumin stays here and its appearance is also exposed in the urine. An increase in the level of albumin in the blood is interesting in this regard, it is also associated with water and expresses most conditions of severe dehydration. As a general rule in edema, you must immediately start fasting (from) carbohydrates.
Blood sugar – Sugar levels higher than 110 in the blood test is not good. But if they are lower, it indicates that there is no problem of over-recruiting, no giving up of self and desire or living in the shadow of another, no life for the other, nor is there a problem of guilt and kidney morality. For the overly devoted violence – see the Oscar article here:
Blood lipids – If there is no (blood test) results
of high blood lipids and cholesterol there is no
problem in the psychology of the deep and early childhood pain of the
patient. There are also no early pain that draw the person to them – only
a high level of blood creatinine reflection
is left in front of us – and the social problem, lack of
belonging, separation from friends, unpleasant and forced society, or
burdensome living space (more on this here) is probably aimed at a later age, from 12
onwards. Social failure is common in married couples, with the partner
also playing the closest friend.
AS is one of autism – I specialize in treating it, is an example of
social failure – (solving social failure rid the body of the work force that
Asperger's disease, related to the brain. Article about the treatment of
Asperger's – here).
Blood fats require examination and re-examination of excess
protein in the diet.
Blood fats also indicate a mental state – a phenomenon of over-loyalty to the
seller and loneliness that asks the person to give his soul a chance to recover
from social pain and come to treatment to heal this pain as well.
"The Corrupt Hercules" – Rubens describes the drunk hero, leaning on nymphs and satire – Peter Paul Rubens. Hercules Drunk, Being Led Away By a Nymph and a Satyr
Uric acid – blood test appears as a symptom of excessive consumption of animal protein, especially red meat (steaks, roasts), fasting from zinc, sodium and phosphorus is necessary in recovery process for kidney failure and alongside protein fast. Excessive uric acid is evident in the high blood uric acid index, which indicates lust for meat and a high protein diet. It is important to find a place in the recovery process for kidney failure, because as the urine increases, the chance of kidney stones increases! Hyperoricemia – also hyperoricemia – is a recognized disease in which the excess of meat cravings, for example, eggs and non-dairy products accumulate, as the uric acid which accumulates as crystals in its joints or kidneys, creating long-term arthritis, Gout (kidney) and kidney stones. Kidney stones mean accumulation of uric acid crystals. Another problem for kidney stones comes from the NAC supplement – a protein supplement also known as N acetylcysteine that comes to help create glutathione (about the importance of glutathione and other things I've posted here) – this supplement along with glutathione helps to treat heart failure, breathing, emphysema, AIDS, epilepsy, Heavy metal toxicity and smoking cessation processes – and lowering blood sugar and repairing blood tubing walls in kidneys and nephrons. However, here too a virtuoso, a great choreographer, or a composer is required to create a harmonious recovery of the components that in other situations N acetylcysteine may fill the kidneys with stones. I recommend not using NAC, but if you need to add Vitamin-C 2000 mg and 800 mg of Coenzyme Ky-10. Make sure (to protect your kidneys) that you consume more vitamin C, even 2-3 times the amount of NAC you take. I recommend taking ALA – 600 mg alpha lipoic acid that is active in both the bloodstream and the cell membranes in this situation.
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria", with Nicolo Bonghi, Lotto
Proteins are among the most important compounds that make up the living body (organism). Proteins are water-soluble and are found in every living cell, including plants. Proteins are composed of amino acids. And they are very important for the healthy functioning of the human body. The human building system takes from the protein the amino acids that build the body for its use. Protein-rich food sources are: legumes, buckwheat, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Some of these sources are considered to be nutritious or harmful to human health.
"Man was Created" Michelangelo – the secular painting in the heart of the Vatican.
Source names of the proteins: primary protein (Frotaios), operationala proteins (e.g. enzyme associated with the term protein action and role catalyze biochemical processes) are tied at Mercury ancient god-doers, communication, social situations and of course the construction of the body and space (space news, living space, space for driving, Playroom). Each protein folds in space into a 3D shape.
Excess creatinine protein is evident in a blood test as kidney failure and indicates that the person is found to be poisoning proteins that are usually derived from foods that mix animal protein with sugar like creams such as yoghurt with fruit, chicken and honey, and sugared peanuts and milk – all reflect the phenomenon of protein and sugar.
"Helen as a model for Venus, with war god March and Cupid" – detail. Rubens, Venus, Mars and Cupid – Rubens, Venus, Mars and Cupid.
Excessive creatinine comes suddenly . And can disappear suddenly. If the problem of excess creatinine in the blood, which comes from sudden weight gain – weight loss is the cure. This phenomenon is possible and common when the test (blood test) is conducted immediately after a period of endless holidays. Weight loss should be re-examined. And remember the consequences of weight gain in the future.
GFR – A measure of the effectiveness of renal filtration rate is indicated in GFR or eGFR.
GFR is actually the important metric for understanding your condition, treatment, pace of dietary changes, and the pace of your necessary appointments with recovery outlets. The index eGFR or GFR is important to understanding an inefficient renal function as organ screening – (called glomerular filtration rate – Glomerular Filtration Rate). The GFR installed is -120-130 mL per minute corrected body surface area. Normally the GFR decreases with age (after age 40) at a rate of 0.75-1 ml per minute per year.
Simon Vouet – Saturn, Conquered by Amor, Venus and Hope –
Often times this measure only shows rogue kidneys even if all other measures appear to be in proper blood tests. An increase in GFR can hint at improvement of renal function. The two photos (below) reflect the fact that the GFR blood test rose! In the lower shot you see the improvement in the GFR index. On 13.04.2017 the GFR stood at 64, and after two weeks of treatment with the healing pressure method which I founded, on 4.05.2017 – there was an increase and it was already 66. The increase indicates an increase in the renal filtration capacity. This was the first case I dealt with and there have been many since then.
Crash Rate – It is important to know that the GFR may crash from 60 to GFR 33 very quickly – quicker than imagined. In about two years only the GFR 60 patient is on dialysis. I don't know why the nephrologists, the media are hiding this information from you. I suspect the cause is related to their inability to heal kidneys. Ever heard of a nephrologist that brought about kidney recovery? After all, the bulk of their work is to stop the filtering index crash. But within two to three years, the nephrologist repeatedly talks to you about dialysis. That's why it's best for you to handle your situation when the GFR stands at 60. The recovery is then very easy and quick.
The measure of the quality of the filtering of waste from the blood has been linked to creatinine and urea. Assessment of creatinine or urea clearance is done according to a formula that includes the creatinine values – blood urea, patient age, patient weight and sex (woman multiples by 0.85) – see below. Average creatinine clearance values in women are about 95 ml per minute and in men about 120 ml per minute. These methods are relatively accurate for GFR assessment, especially when renal function is normal.
The lower the GFR, the worse the situation. A single digit is a difficult measure that requires immediate care. In addition, the normal level of creatinine is in adults 0.2-1.3. If the creatinine level is slightly higher, in the region of 1.2 is set to very high (this level is allowed in the US) the person feels nothing, but must at least go into kidney cleansing – about which I write throughout this article. This index (1.2 and above and 1.6 ) indicates that the kidneys are rotting and not operating at full power. Filter quality is not optimal. The person is asked to immediately reduce waste congestion. The main problem is Excess protein. A healthy person is allowed 35 grams of protein per day and a person with high creatinine should only eat 26 grams of protein per day only = 4 tablespoons of pea, 150 grams of salmon.
"The Expert – The Connoisseur" August Friedrich Schiegert German painter. August Friedrich Siegert 1820–1883.
Formula to calculate the GFR of the value of creatinine in the blood – this may help you when
the doctor is hiding it from you. This formula is named
Cockcroft-Gault and is:
(140 age)
x weight x 1.23 x (0.85 if female) Creat [Micromol / l]
This formula is most commonly used
to calculate the degree of evacuation of the glomerular filtration rate expropriation of formula Cockcroft and Gault (including the level the
creatinine in the blood, age, sex and weight of the patient) is a very
good formula for another MDRD formula (which includes, in addition to the
above ingredients, also the level of albumin, urea and stem tested, and not its weight). Kidney
failure is defined as progressive if the renal filtration rate of creatinine by
the kidneys GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate) is below ml / min /
1.73m229 (stage 4), and if the degree of creatinine clearance is less than ml /
min / 1.73m215, the patient is defined as suffering from end-stage renal
failure (stage 5) (13,12). The GFR is also a measure of loss of arterial
Artery Flexibility is the key to gaining health and understanding why "healthy" food also brings people into serious illnesses. Unbalanced eating of legumes, grinding and nuts can lead to loss of arterial elasticity and a decrease in the GFR- induced filtration rate index. Legumes are a satisfying protein bomb – healthy people eat them mainly in the Middle East – hummus, for example, is a very common dish, and here begins a problem we call the homocysteine problem – Yaron Margolin
1. As there is a decrease in renal function, there is a marked decrease in GFR, and blood creatinine values sometimes increase.
2. In high creatinine values (and low GFR index) an increase in or decrease in values does not indicate a severe impairment of renal function nor improvement.
3. Final Index, rebellious kidney patients, blood tests found [in the early stages of treatment – 1-3 months]. Rising urea – focused index Urea! Although a decrease in albumin in urine test is a welcome result – but this result: a decrease in urea is one that can indicate an improvement in kidney function – and the one that signals the beginning of a change in direction of recovery – all this must be kept in mind, and especially if the first blood test, and even the second or third blood, seems to increase creatinine. If creatinine rises and the diet is recommended here and in actual, meticulous meetings, do not despair. There is hope – look at the urea – the one that shows the picture of reality (in my experience, and I understand).
Urea – Before (86) and after 10 days of first treatment – (54) See photo below – This is an unprecedented achievement ! The decisive measure, for those who go into kidney treatment, in blood tests is [in the early stages of treatment (1-3 months)] a decrease in urea and a decrease in albumin in urine test reflects the right direction – this is how the treatment success is seen and this can indicate an improvement in kidney function. – and demonstrates the success of the beginning of the move that changes direction towards recovery – keep this in mind even if the blood test seems to increase creatinine. If creatinine increases and the GFR index decreases or does not change as in this example) and protein or raw food fasting as in this recommended case, do not despair Look at the urea measurement. The urea is what shows the picture of reality (in my experience, and I understand). Compare with the second test – below. Yaron Margolin
keep this in mind even if the blood test seems to increase creatinine.
Do not despair Look at the urea measurement.
At the beginning of your recovery process, it is important to know: The urea is what shows the picture of reality.
Creatinine can go up. Few people know that the reason that creatinine rises at the beginning of your recovery process, is that your doctor has given you hypertension drugs which increase creatinine and other medicines, and creatinine levels are therefore not a good measure of your recovery.
It will be emphasized in situations of high creatinine values, there is no significance to the repair or renal deterioration from the adverse or beneficial change in creatinine status. Here, too, I only seriously consider the GFR situation. The urea index is the precursor of the GFR, almost always the urea before.
The urea certainly reflects inflammation in the body that comes from sugar and indirectly from the bad condition to which the muscles are subjected: Chronic muscle contraction – especially those on the left side of the body. Part of my job is to release them. Without their release, the arteries will also not flex and their effect on hypertension will not occur. At each session, I return to deal with muscle contractions – their release index determines your recovery rate! In the clinic of healing pressures, the person is recovering and moving on in his life. As early as the 1980s, we saw people recover with the help of the pressure of healing technique. And in those days the knowledge of food as a cure was really nil.
Prudence Leading Peace and Abundance – Simon Vouet
The urea index (54) after 10 days from the start of the first treatment – see and compare with the test photograph taken some time before the treatment began. It is up (by the way, I believe the GFR was already at 18.5 at the first session and the test showed 21 that it would not stabilize but the opposite, but I have no proof) – urea is an important and accurate measure of keratinin to test kidney function and especially in the early stages of treatment for the method. The urea healing pressures also indicate the overall state of the entire body's drainage system. Chronic muscle contraction sabotages the electric current in the body and causes a number of side effects such as making the body condition acidic (very bad for kidneys) because it presses the capillaries and the nervous system. This constriction causes the arteries to lose their elasticity and hypertension, distorting the electrical signals passing through them. Strange sensations such as circumcision, heartburn, flatulence, hard circulation, edema, swelling and back pain start to appear because of which the constant contraction state also completely changes the chemical composition of the cell fluid.
Urea in surplus states also indicates the condition of chronic muscular contraction – the contraction sabotages the electrical current spoils the signals and signs and causes a number of side effects. It creates pressure on the capillaries and the nervous system. Strange sensations such as circumcision, heartburn, gases, hard circulation, edema, swelling, and back pain begin to appear more muscular contracting along with a negative effect on the decrease in the filtration index and GFR values. The kidney failure patient must also receive chronic muscle contraction-releasing treatment.
From " Davidsbündlertänze " (the Sands of the Allies David) 1990. In the 1970s such flexibility could only be achieved thanks to the flexion pressures that were the healing pressures and the release of chronic muscle contractions.
Shmya Levi photographed. Dancing – Yaron Margolin
Side effects of contracting chronic muscle is important for you to know about:
1) Constant muscle contraction interferes with blood supply to the muscles and interferes with the development of peripheral vascular disease. The blood system in such a situation cannot remove the waste that accumulates there, the same is true of the kidney, lungs, pancreas, heart and digestive system. In addition, the transport system is obscured, and cannot transfer food to the affected place that is required to build and handle collapsed buildings. Immune messengers are also barred from coming to rehabilitate the kidneys and damaged organs. The damage only increases, creating a severe pressure and feeling of inflammation, pain, muscle fatigue and congestion that is expressed by a feeling of heaviness, heat, itching and worse of all the loss of arterial elasticity, urethra and digestion and chronic muscle contractions in their mantle.
2) Continuous muscular contraction always activates the nervous system, creating a load on it. The nervous system is flooded with electrical guidelines that affect brain function and spinal cord work – the phenomenon creates fatigue and flooding of the emotional brain. The emotional brain is out of balance – this phenomenon has various consequences for concentration ability, wrong decisions, fears and anxieties as well as sugar, work and alcohol addiction. This makes it difficult for the healer during the protein fast and loads the body to create ammonia.
The truth about the amount of protein required – urea – urea – urea – is a breakdown of protein and excess carbohydrate or sugar. You should know that egg protein is considered to be the highest quality protein of all foods. The urea blood test reflects the excess protein in the human body – few know that the body can only lose 40 grams of protein per day, as an excess death simply overwhelms the body with ammonia. In normal liver conditions the ammonia becomes uric acid and is transmitted to the kidneys, which redirect it through the urine. Large amounts of protein only create huge loads on the kidneys. For every 50 grams we eat, our bodies need 3 cups of water to dilute the uric acid, which is formed and excreted as a result of the digestive process of excess protein and that is why meat eaters often have to urinate after eating meat. And if you do not keep drinking water you will only get dehydration, urinary tract infections, the kidney stones, and kidney failure.
In addition to dietary proteins, the body needs or is supposed to consume proteins from old and damaged proteins that come from cells that have ended their lives. Excess proteins are not needed and the body saves energy – increasing the protein load but some of this load breaks down in the body – the walls of the (old) proteins are broken up and the rest are stacked in waste piles whose materials have been dumped on the walls of the small intestine, stomach and duodenum, on the blood and urine tubes. These are waste materials and some are washed out through the kidneys and liver, but many of the essential molecules return to the body. They cluster together and form amino acids that will be used by the liver and through which the body will be ready for restoration and rebuilding.
The liver does its job faithfully – and it must get a sequence of amino acids to do so (Protein) for its use – but it cannot use all the components and amino acids that are compressed into it and also formed in the liver in the state of excess multi-protein nutrition – storage is required. The excess goes to the blood, to the lymph flow, even to the intestinal fluids. Excess body proteins running and will be compressed to be stored somewhere. The big problem here is the acidity – the presence of the protein changes the Ph. This is one of the foundations – the loss of elasticity of the arteries and body pipes. The piping is wrapped in muscle whose job is to move the transport materials – in acidic conditions they contract so how will they be released and regain their ability to move the fluids in the piping?
The four mandatory measures available to us when examining the state of arterial elasticity: cholesterol, homocysteine, albumin, as well as an index linked to the decrease in nitric oxide production.
Excess protein – the excess is compressed into the body's tubular walls: blood, air, digestive urine and they gradually lose their elasticity. But the rest of the protein in food and damage their flexibility continues followed by what is known as degenerative diseases and we come to urea – blood tests show that urea, and albumin – albumin indicates inflammation in the pipeline (plaque) and BUN Represents the amount of protein you use especially if is too high. And if its index is above 145 [(or urea 75 or higher) it requires you to check your protein's plant. More than this, is a warning sign that you are hurt by Lectins] inflammation in the small intestine top campaign catastrophic excess protein continues. Other extra materials are stored in the form of free radicals. Against them came the first line of defence and with his help I raise a diet rich in vitamins but in a separate article – just make it clear that to strengthen the first line of defence I use minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), Vitamin E, Glutathione and of course B12 Methyl Coblamine. The free radicals seek attention like a naughty hyperactive child but are dangerous, unexpected and have to be calmed down and the vitamins also do well – without the hypertrophy course. When I talk about protein fasting, raw food protein fasting and also fermented protein fasting and green juices all this is meant to fix the situation created by years of excess proteins that have been compressed and stashed in the body's piping and overloaded the kidneys with ammonia.
Plaque – a layer of bacteria or a huge effort to heal the failed pipeline – and then the excess (loyal soldiers who fought for your health and fell victim to the free radicals, sugar excess, fat and other proteins) was compressed into the walls of the tubes which are no longer as flexible and damaged through degenerative disease. We have reached urea – the blood tests show urea, urine, creatinine and albumin – the albumin teaches plumbing (plaque) in the tiny ducts, creatinine in the kidney drainage system, and BUN (not mentioned) for inflammation of the upper small intestine and duodenal wall. A message about the catastrophic overcrowding that persists. Other excess materials are stored in the form of free radicals. Against them came the first line of defence and with their help I raise vitamin-rich diet, protein fasting, but in a separate article – just make it clear that strengthening the first line of defense I use minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid (ALA), vitamin E, glutathione and of course B12 methyl cobalamin – the free radicals are seeking attention. They act like a naughty hyperactive child, but they are dangerous, unpredictable and have to soothe them and the vitamins and minerals do well too – without them the plumbing is damaged and muscles contract and the kidneys collapse. When I talk about protein fasting, raw food protein fasting and also fermented protein fasting and green juices all this is meant to fix the situation created by years of excess proteins that have been compressed and sunk in the body's piping and overloaded the kidneys with ammonia.
There is and you will see (Nitrogen Urea Blood and its urine test is called Serum Urea Nitrogen (SUN) the normal range of urea is 20-40 mg. The urea comes from amino acids (proteins)
From digested foods that are not used for synthesis – for protein building. Proteins, such as carbohydrates and fats, are also nutrients and sources of energy (calories) for the body. While proteins and carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, fat provides 9 calories per gram. To produce what energy proteins they go through the process of oxidation in the body, in the process Urea and CO2 are generated.
Buckwheat sprouted in my kitchen is a fermented product for the protection of the gastrointestinal wall. Excess amino acids are a phenomenon that is currently waiting, protein elements that flood the body and undergo liver metabolism, resulting in more urine – urea and the blood nitrogen index only increases and damages the minerals and enzymes that are designed to protect the bowels. Intestinal bleeding is one of the most difficult complications encountered during kidney recovery – the BUN index helps to diagnose it – once the BUN rises, you must switch to raw fermented protein. In this process, the green buckwheat plays a major role.
BUN measurement is designed to determine the amount of nitrogen in the blood that comes from urea, but the measure also reflects the state of the elasticity of the intestinal wall. Once BUN increases in the kidney recovery process, raw food proteins must be fasted – fermented which changes the entire nutritional defence line. As a rule, the process of fermentation produces good bacteria that are very important for the health of the digestive system, as they help maintain intestinal flora, and thus strengthen the entire immune system. This phase has been linked to the treatment of plumbing – a topic I have written extensively on and is one of the foundations of new medicine – here. The role of fermented proteins derived from the animal flex and strengthen the upper intestinal wall and duodenal wall – I will soon post an article on this important topic for recoverers to know – a high index of urea decreases (in the blood test) before creatinine and thus reflects it by reflecting on the first blood tests that began.
A high index of urea indicates excess carbohydrates and sugars in the diet, as well as excess animal-derived fats. If urea increases in blood tests in kidney failure, a ketogenic diet that is used in diabetic and Alzheimer's processes should be discontinued immediately. Ammonia – BUN – There are other factors besides kidney function that affect the high urea level. For example, dehydration, malnutrition and heart failure. In general the high urea level demands avoiding protein-rich foods and dietary balance of renal function is recommended to keep the supply of vegetable protein (such as soy, pea and buckwheat).
Additional Tests to Assess Kidney Function
When blood tests indicate impaired kidney function, additional tests will be performed to identify if the source of the problem is the kidney organ itself and not the waste congestion entering the body through food. Imaging tests such as CT and MRI are sometimes performed. Sometimes the doctor decides on a biopsy. When you do not see kidney injury – a mistake in transferring treatment to a nephrologist because the disease is not a kidney disease but a problem of poor dietary habits, loss of muscle flexibility and arteries – the required treatment belongs to methods such as healing pressures.
Messina Francesco, David – Francesco of Francesco Messina He is a great poet about a boy who radiates inner beauty with a touch of rural masculinity – a suburban boy for misery, certainly not a male beauty model for Michelangelo – this DAVID convinces you more about the duality of the inner David when he holds a knife rather than a stone tightly gripped in his left palm. Touching her. Did not lean on her. As a keeper of distance from the stone – as if he sensed the gravity of his presence and deed, the use of the sword would be saved. After all, a sword is a man's and stone's right tool for a boy who wants to keep a lot of openings for a quick retreat – we know David's fate but for a considerable Messina David whose future is in the fog and when he is holding a knife, doubt the sword in a child's position rather than a man going to battle, he remains masculine – the look leaves no doubt. You immediately realize that this is a wise man who can protect his dignity, even his future, consider. Our ancestor David includes the legend of David enriched by sophisticated political reporters and his David sitting as a child with a snake's soul for a moment as he is a teenager, and then you will see the snake in his glory – he, is not in the big moment. On the contrary, between the moments, At the junction of the sun rising from the east: It is no longer a night, but not before cattle and able to cook our nature and is in its seat closer to the swimmer (Nuotatore – see above) shown in Taormina close to him, rightly so, we come to teach that an uncle we met in the works of Donatello (Berglo – Florence, Standing) or Michelangelo – needless to understand his inner figure that his power, as shown by Messina, is a new form of yet. Potential for great work. We saw this "before" in Bianca – the portrayal of such lofty wives – the potential is an issue that even Rembrandt did not dare to deal with – he is also in the statue of the boy named Swimmer and again he is the boy holding the sword – it is David who sits and prepares a big plot – David before. Only Messina is able to shape David sitting before it surpasses any standing David – because in my opinion David Messina is made up of the clearest Davidic material created to date is our David. Bravo Francesco Messina. Recorder and photographer Yaron Margolin No longer a night, but not yet cattle and able to cook our nature and is sitting closer to the swimmer (Nuotatore – see above) shown in Taormina close to him, rightly so, came to teach us that King David our ancestor whom we met in the works of Donatello (Berglo – Florence, standing) or Michelangelo To him – it is unnecessary to understand his inner figure that his power, as shown by Messina, is a new form of yet. Potential for great work. We saw this "before" in Bianca – the portrayal of such lofty wives – the potential is an issue that even Rembrandt did not dare to deal with – he is also in the statue of the boy named Swimmer and again he is the boy holding the sword – it is David who sits and prepares a big plot – David before. Only Messina is able to shape David sitting before it surpasses any standing David – because in my opinion David Messina is made up of the clearest Davidic material created to date is our David. Bravo Francesco Messina. Recorder and photographer Yaron Margolin
Stages of Kidney Disease – with the Goal of Raising the GFR – the Glomerular Filtration Rate The GFR is the best measure of kidney function. But fatigue also precedes black marks under the eye.
I recognize 5 stages of renal filtration loss – relying on the GFR – five levels of disease – of which all but the latter can be fully absorbed from all stages.
Note: I was also able to help patients in the fifth grade, but I prefer to treat patients in grades 2, 3, and 4. A blood test for this case appears in this article.
The normal GFR (any index above 90) at the GFR level 90 human is at the intersection and is required to clear precautions. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure or a family history of kidney disease, treatment should start at this point. The risk of illness also increases with age. People over the age of 65 are twice as likely to have the disease as people over the age of 45.
First stage of the disease – GFR 79-89: Damage to the kidney is reflected when the GFR exits the healthy or normal range – over 90. 79-89 – GFR can be given Easily address the problem and return from a condition of kidney and urgency – before the GFR begins to go down to the second stage of the disease and it happens quickly.
Decrease in the GFR means the kidney filtering ability is down! At this point, the goal of treatment is to recover quickly. Do not slow down the progression of the disease nor reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease but heal!!! Protein fasting is recommended. Seven days of protein fasting. To clean the kidneys. Repeat this every 3 months.
The second phase of the disease GFR 60-79: slight decrease in the level of GFR 60-79. The treatment is also aimed at recovery at this stage, not to prevent further health problems, (as is the practice within the establishment). Even at this point, my experience proves that you can recover with reasonable effort. Protein fasting + Aloe Vera gel for 21 days can produce amazing results. Include back and leg muscle release as well as moderate walking or swimming.
The transition from Stage 3 to Stage 4 of kidney disease can take only about two years without treatment. In this context, the institutional approach is defined without treatment because there are no results of recovery at all. All the drugs so far have failed. Aspirin, anti-pain medication and some anti-pregnancy and heartburn drugs are currently prohibited because they only aggravate kidney disease. This is apparently also the reason why most patients' health funds hide the GFR index from patients. Ever heard of something that healed kidney failure, tell me about it, I'd love to know!
Stage Three of GFR 30-59 Disease: Medium Gap Level – GFR 30-59. As the GFR progresses to this condition, anemia and bone problems appear. These complications should also be addressed: At this time, I do not recommend self-care and you should consider starting fermented protein fasting. Begin germinating buckwheat.
Step 4: A big drop in GFR (15-29). The transition from Stage 3 to Stage 4 is very quick. Most people who apply to me are at this stage. It is a very difficult stage to recover from, and requires great effort! Even at this stage we must be aware that common ailments may be caused by kidney disease (weakness of bone, anemia, iron deficiency, exposing the vulnerable side of the stomach, duodenum and small intestine top).
Step 4: A fourth step is difficult to handle, and without treatment often means advanced kidney failure which the patient neglected, even while taking medication. In Israel, the fourth stage is very neglected! Mostly, the index GFR is not reported! The transition from the stage of the disease from 4 to 5 is very fast -– it can happen in three or four months or several weeks or even days.
The fourth and final stage of the disease GFR 5-15 Kidney failure (GFR less than 15). In this situation kidney activity is not enough to keep the person alive. Dialysis is needed and is a way to keep a person alive without revealing to him the size of the complications or kidney transplants. I'd rather not be contacted in this situation. At GFR 15 people start to talk about dialysis but are now trying to start at GFR close to 5 due to the many complications and dangers of dialysis. I was also able to help patients with GFR 7.5 – the blood tests for this case were published in this article.
If you have reached GFR 15 or worse than the one digit 9 or 8, your doctor must send you to dialysis and even reveal to you the GFR index that you have allegedly hidden so far (on the GFR's blood tests page does appear). Exposure to the Kidney Failure Index – the GFR. Even if the meaning is explained, it is supposed to be healing, but if you are talking about the exposure only, it is a net detail and not a cure.
Dialysis – The GFR you are already standing at 13-5 – between 5 and 13 is only a matter of a few days. Nephrologist: Doctor or Professor – actual clerk computer screens, full-line update adds the deteriorating situation, he must talk to you about Index = filtration rate glomerular filtration – Glomerular Filtration Rate). I'm sorry he did not discuss with you when the GFR was 60. It is easier to help the index GFR 60, why now, why he did not stop the decline in the filtration capacity dropped from 60 as 45, why does the Glomerular Filtration Rate not appear in the test results page of most patients who approach me?
3, 1808 – Goya, Prado. Madrid. After a failed uprising against
Napoleonic forces, the French randomly gathered hundreds of innocent Spaniards
and executed them on the night of May 2 – May 3, 1808.
In 1808, the reign of Spanish King Carlos IV
collapsed and the French invaded Spain. The painter supported the reforms
and the replacement of the royal house, but scavengers did not want
to. Napoleon's French invasion did not look any better to the Spanish
people than the absolute rule of his kings.
Two works by Goya: "May 2, 1808" and
"May 3, 1808" describe the Spanish uprising in the city of Puerto del
Sol and their standing before a firing squad without trial. "May 3,
1808" presents rulers and soldiers as villains and not as holy heroic
figures as usual
The Initiation of Dialysis Treatment – The accepted recommendations and guidelines – is now divided. There are differing opinions regarding the timing of dialysis initiation, and they relate to the practical and financial aspects. The cost of using the machine is high, but the main dilemma is the lack of unequivocal evidence of the contribution of the "early" or "late" onset to the patient's quality of life. So it is advisable not to use this program at all. Proponents of the decision to start dialysis early, i.e. when GFR drops to Grade 4 (GFR) values (15-29 believe that below these values the risk of fluid overload and uremia symptoms). Uremic Acidosis – (blood accumulating nitrate) is higher, uremia may also be due to direct damage to the tubular wall that transports the bloodstream to the kidneys – the albumin index can help understand this phenomenon, which can also be extracted by the correct use of healing pressures, muscular release Piping and dietary change that includes zinc fasting and extra high-dose supplements such as vitamin C 2500 mg [for zinc fasting: avoid beer preservatives 9.97 (zinc amount in mg per 100 grams of food) from wheat bran, 7.30. Peanuts, 6.68. Cocoa, 6.37. Sunflower seeds, 5.29. Tahini, 4.62. Pistachio, 4.28. Lentils 3.44, Lentils 3.44, Soybeans 3.10 and Peas 3.00.] Anywhere for Gentle Medicine and Institutions Nephrologic Kidney Clinics or other hospital departments, please ask me: Notice the survival rates because they are lower than imaginable (American guidelines), it should be noted that early start is considered the right way to reduce the complications of morbidity, hospitalization and mortality and to improve the prognosis of the nephrologic patient. Both approaches failed to recover, as far as one kidney is known. Proponents of the decision to start dialysis later, i.e. when GFR goes down to Level 5 values (GFR 8-15 and below), rely on the work proving the aggressiveness of dialysis treatment that adversely affects the patient's mental and physical well-being). More access to early-onset therapy, especially in diabetic patients, but recent studies have begun to appear that justify the efficacy of late-onset therapy. (Glomerular filtration rate – GFR ) is the determining factor – if ignored the expert may be all along that he just cannot do it and trust will continue to give him?
Orazio Gentileschi – Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes.
If your nephrologist is unable to regenerate kidney function, doesn't anyone of all the nephrologists know about renal function?
It is important to know that even at this point, it is possible to get out of danger, raise the filtration index and gradually recover.
Please note that with filtering index 17.7, and even 7.5 filtering very low, I was able to balance, stabilize, enter the recovery process.
Alexander and Porus, painted 1673 Charles Le Brun
Did the doctor tell you how much also increases treatment in dialysis the prospect of cardiovascular disease, heart attack or stroke? Did your nephrologist reveal to you the problem of dialysis infections and reveal to you the variety of side effects such as muscle contraction, vomiting, headache, chest pain, hypertension, fever, chills, anxiety, sexual dysfunction that await you in its usual treatment? Did your nephrologist think that in such cases even when the poison that floods your body hits the nephrons in the kidneys I have been able to do this, to help heal. I would love to help you too!
"Moses to Michelangelo" – an unfinished sculpture – standing at the corner of the Chapel of the San Pietro Basilica of Vincoli on Eskalin Hill in Rome. Yaron Margolin
Did your doctor also tell you how dialysis increases the chances of blood vessels, heart attacks or strokes? Did your nephrologist reveal to you the problem of dialysis infections and reveal to you the variety of side effects such as muscle contraction, vomiting, headache, chest pain, hypertension, fever, chills, anxiety, sexual dysfunction that await you in its usual treatment? Did your nephrologist think that in such cases even when the poison that floods your body hits the nephrons in the kidneys I have been able to do this, to help heal. I would love to help you too! If you are thinking of renewing kidney function, you should know – I invite you to join my recovery journey.
Lectins – plant proteins, sugar-binding, attached to the cells (membranes) – may be, the source of anemia, a decrease in B12. And also for harm to health. And since the minors are present in most plant foods, which I ask for your recovery from raw food fasting, protein fasting and even glycemic fasting and if your diet has been based on real and living foods for a few years, Raw Food and even extreme may be that your enemy is hidden and is excess to minors. Wheat germ, pumpkin, tomato, and corn should be discontinued for its products – Lectin-safe plants: Asparagus, garlic, onion, celery, and mushrooms. – Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Avocado – Although the avocado contains a lot of fat, they are safe to eat – you should read the article to know more – Yaron Margolin
Strong heartbeat – a strong heart rate warning against iron deficiency, but also from eating too much potassium. Iron should be added and potassium intake should be reduced – potassium is found in many fruits such as oranges, potatoes, dried fruits and cakes, dried legumes, bananas, celery and nuts. Excess blood potassium can cause heart rate problems – more on that here. Iron deficiency also occurs towards the 11th month of a recovery process that started at GFR lower than 20 and should be given a separate response at this point – this is one reason for the recommendation to be closely monitored to recover – the reasons involve a lack of arterial flexibility and body conduction. The hardness of the vessels revealed during treatment reveals neglected and untreated diseases, but should be eliminated at this point – treatment requires the return of flexibility to the plumbing – on this topic I published a separate article – here.
Phosphorus – Foods that contain too much phosphorus are found in prohibited foods and are: Whole grains, dairy, meat, chicken meat, fish, nuts, eggs, legumes, chia seeds, beer yeast. Phosphorus is found in most soft drinks (Coca-Cola) and fast food.
It should be noted – excess phosphorus not only kills the kidneys, it also depletes the skeletal system and weakens the bones. Excess phosphorus causes loss of calcium from both bones and teeth.
It was found that aspirin, NAC, acetaminophen and ibuprofen (Advil) can cause kidney damage. Therefore a person who takes painkillers regularly should be checked to make sure that nephrons are not damaged in the kidneys. Request a blood test to determine the GFR status.
"Healing Presses" – Ben Tritt – Yaron Margolin Treats His Son Yuri. Tension technique for releasing chronic muscle contractions and removing body aches, heals degenerative diseases including kidney failure
What Do Blood Test Results Say – Urea (BUN), Creatinine (Cr), Sodium (Na), and Potassium (K)
The Urea test – urine level represents the amount of protein a person needs and secretion through the kidneys indicates excess. Protein must be started immediately. BUN measurement is designed to determine the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood. An exceptional measure indicates the status of the digestive system. High BUN requires immediate use of green juices (here). Many times urea comes from ammonia – a product of the kidneys that comes to establish the kidney's acidic environment – the source of ammonia in the body with more carbohydrates (glucose and other protein). The problem begins when ammonia builds up. The body converts the ammonia to urea – conveniently in this context because it is neutral and very water soluble. The ammonia can carry excess nitrogen waste from the body and remove it. Increases in ammonia levels are common in people who love sugar, sweet and carbohydrates – ammonia reaches toxic levels – poisoning is also avoided by reversing ammonia back into urine. This process occurs in the liver, and the more protein a person needs, the more amino acids flood the body and they undergo liver metabolism to produce more urea. Intestinal bleeding is one of the most difficult complications encountered during kidney recovery – the BUN index helps to diagnose it – once the BUN rises, you must switch to raw food protein fasting – fermented. As mentioned above, sip half a liter of squeezed green juice a day. Fermentation produces good bacteria that are very important for the health of the digestive system, as they help maintain intestinal flora, and thus strengthen the entire immune system. This phase has been linked to the treatment of plumbing – one of the foundations of new medicine – more on this here – a high index of urea drops before creatinine and heralds the first blood tests that recovery began. A high index of urea indicates excess carbohydrates and sugars in the diet, as well as excess animal fat. If urea rises in the blood test, it indicates kidney failure. Immediately stop the ketogenic diet used in recovery processes from diabetes and Alzheimers.
Norm values: 43-17 milligrams per deciliter.
Values below the norm can appear as a result of malnutrition, low protein diet, liver disease, or after drinking plenty of fluids. Higher values than the norm can appear in kidney disease, as a result of dehydration, in a high-protein diet as a result of the use of certain drugs.
Jacopo Tintoretto (c 1518-1594), The Worship of the Golden Calf, detail (1563), oil on canvas, 1,450 cm / 580 cm, Madonna dell’Orto, Venice, Italy. Source of the painting Wikipedia.
Creatinine – Creatinine is a waste that the body does not use. The results of the test warn you and come to express an advanced stage of kidney nephron damage. Norm values:
In Men: 1.17-0.67 milligrams per decilitre
In Women: 0.95-0.51 milligrams per decilitre
Values below the norm – characterize certain muscle diseases, in very low muscle mass and in malnutrition conditions.
Higher values than the norm – renal dysfunction. It can also rise in cases of dehydration or as a result of taking certain medications.
Sodium test tells us what is the percentage of sodium in the blood. Sodium is the major positive ion in the fluid outside the cells. The concentration of blood ion is due to the drinks and food we consume on the one hand, and the renal excretion of sodium on the other.
Norm values: 145-135 cubic meters per litre
Values below the norm – Adding a proper amount of fluid to the body may indicate hormonal imbalances, such as hypothyroidism, increased secretion of a hormone called ADH or a lack of hormone aldosterone, also heart failure, kidney failure, or liver failure.
Higher values from the norm – along with a low amount of fluid in the body, can be characterized by burns, diarrhea, overuse of diuretics (non-thiazide), also lacking secretion of the hormone ADH, and over-secretion of the hormone cortisol (Cushing's syndrome) or over-secretion of the hormone aldosterone.
Jacopo Tintoretto (c 1518-1594), The Worship of the Golden Calf, detail (1563), oil on canvas, 1,450 cm / 580 cm, Madonna dell’Orto, Venice, Italy.
Potassium is the major positive ion in the fluid inside the cells and is responsible for maintaining electrical tension in the cell membrane. The electrical charge is essential for neuronal activity in the body, muscle cell activity (including myocardium), and the transfer of substances into and out of cells. Small changes in potassium concentration can cause cardiac arrhythmias.
Norm values: 5.1-3.5 cubic meters per litre
Lower norm values – prolonged vomiting, lack of potassium on the menu, renal artery stenosis and less frequent elevated secretion of hormone aldosterone or cortisol (Cushing's Syndrome).
Higher values than norm – dysfunction, the use of certain drugs, severe sabotage with the breakdown of muscle tissue and rarely – the secretion of the hormone aldosterone.
Jacopo Tintoretto (c 1518-1594), The Worship of the Golden Calf, detail (1563), oil on canvas, 1,450 cm / 580 cm, Madonna dell’Orto, Venice, Italy.
A1C Data indicate prolonged insulin resistance, pancreatic fatigue, latent disease at various stages of loss of tubular elasticity, diabetes and it often deteriorates rapidly. The first sign of concern is the A1C fish and urine protein loss (mentioned above) in excess of the norm.
Norm values: 4.5-5.9%, an index above 6 needs treatment
For questions – here or scroll down.
"The Year Of Logic Gives Rise To Monsters" or "The Sleep of Reason" (El sueño de la razon produces monstrous – The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters) Goya Among the monsters surrounding the old man is drawn in the face of bats that represent ignorance as a symbol of the Spanish society of his time and to the right of the dreamer a humble owl.
Kidney Dysfunction Symptoms
Fatigue, loss of concentration, disruption of urination, lower back pain, itching, swelling of the hands and feet, loss of sensation in them, darkening skin, strong heartbeat, body muscles mainly harden the lower back – movement restriction due to muscle hardening, and loss of appetite.
Fatigue – In the early stages of kidney disease, the patient usually feels nothing but fatigue larger than usual. As the disease gets worse, fatigue increases and the failure of the kidney function changes the need to urinate is sometimes more frequent and sometimes less frequent.
It is imperative for every person who is feeling increasingly tired to require a blood test showing both his GFR status and homocysteine
Lack of life skills – the kidneys are
associated with the fear of fear –
and fear is associated with the fear of putting effort, refraining from
starting something new, and the lack of skills as a result – as mentioned
above, fear of success and wish fulfillment has also been linked to this title,
but also to kidney failure. More details about the "fear" – here.
Opportunities – Failure of kidney function draws attention to fear. The kidneys ask you: Have you noticed
that the world gives you a chance to develop – the kidneys
advise you to look at reality including looking
into your heartache and penetrating deep into your fears (probably the source
of fears in early childhood or adolescence, which were stuck there – stopped
silent and have not undergone development or re-exploration) now creates an
opportunity to ask yourself 'why not try a better way?' Why not go one
step further and in a way that benefits my people and promises to see my needs? The
person is asked for the last time not to stop the fear that arises within
him. Continue to trust those who see their needs.
The calling of the world to man has always been
evolving. The world aims to evolve through meeting new challenges – this
is the way of the world. The way the world expresses his love for
man. The person whose kidneys are collapsing is a person who trusts in the
wrong way – giving unwarranted trust. He will usually suspect someone who
offers him a good way and will not cooperate with him.
"Neptune" – Lamber-Sizisbar Adam – Neptune by Adam Terracotta on Marble 1725, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California, USA (1700-1759)
Ears – The Five Transitions Theory – Here – Every internal organ in the body has an organ that is parallel to it. The corresponding organ of the kidneys are the ears. Loss of balance, dizziness, falls and hearing loss, fluid in the ears reflect a decline in kidney function. The kidneys are responsible for the filtration and cleaning of the most vital fluids in their body and their weakness can cause fluid build-up in the body in general, edema and especially the ears. The hair and bone strength (osteoporosis) are also affected by kidney function.
For questions – here or scroll down.
"Young woman playing the Violin" by Orazio Artemisia
The rogue kidneys can and should be repaired – first, the deduction of the kidneys by reducing the garbage load they need to clear
Lentil delicacy – soak 3 days in water, change water once a day, fill pot with vegetables allowed – lots of onions and peppers and cook, add the lentils and savor. Very tasty and appetising.
Nutrition – including drinking water, eating apple per day, strawberries, blueberries,
onions and red pepper (gamba), lentils, peas and some black and cuffed beans (burgundy, brown or red), Kidney Beans.I recommend local lentils and peas, cranberry (unsweetened), cabbage, green pepper, orange and yellow (pepper
has little potassium and it is good for kidneys), fennel, garlic, drink water with fennel hearts and nettle tea. Start
the morning with a tablespoon of olive oil (fine) and then sip a glass of water
with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The
vinegar (also the lemon) and the cranberries make the urine more intense, basic and that is our goal. Later in the
morning drink nettle tea. Consume fish protein. Tablespoon
of olive oil per day. A lot of green leafy vegetables should be consumed
and the more green, the more nutritious.
Nettle is an excellent plant for maintaining
kidney energy, and can be purchased as a food supplement. A quarter
teaspoon of turmeric per day.
Onions – A healthy onion is defined as food that
can be added to almost any dish. The onion is rich in flavonoids, organic compounds that act as color
pigments and natural antioxidants. They have very strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
that can help the body cope with various diseases ranging from simple cold to
cancer. In addition, the onion contains chromium, trace
elements (trivalent chromium helps in tiny amounts to humans because it participates in the absorption
of sugars). Chrome has not
been studied, but it improves metabolism and helps to cope with high levels
of insulin and lipids, the blood levels of these
components will be much more balanced making it easier for the
kidneys. Juice from whole lemon in a
glass of water before bed is a recipe for deep health and sleep. Chromium
is also found in yeast, but it is not allowed
to repair kidneys due to the large amounts of phosphorus present in yeast.
Stuffed peppers by Danny (father of the boy who recovered from kidney failure in 21 days) with green buckwheat in red pepper sauce – a delicacy for kidney recoverers.
Cranberries are a food that prevent urinary tract infections and kidneys thanks to the fact that (as mentioned above) they make urine more basic – on this topic see my article: "Why is my health deteriorating when I am in hospital and under the supervision of doctors"? The answer lies in acidic foods that degrade your health.
Do not be afraid of carbohydrates, such as rye bread and oats – stay away from simple carbs, like sugar and white flour, even a low-carb diet – they hamper the expansion of the arteries – and create damage to the kidneys and arterial disease (Richard M. Fleming). Few plant and animal proteins prefer the protein that comes from Legumes and fish. Legume plant protein is usually not a complete protein. Because there is in the legumes a large amount of the amino acid lysine and a small amount of the amino acid methionine, in combination with food between grains and legumes, foods containing whole protein are obtained. Peas are also full of buckwheat protein – sourced from the peas in our country and so my recommendation is to find them in virtually all Mediterranean countries. There are many varieties of peas and all of them are rich in lysine, an amino acid that is present in peas more than other legumes. US kidney physician associations recommend eating northern fish (Omega 3) two or three times a week as part of a healthy and smart diet regimen, keep in mind that the number one cause of death in the United States is kidney disease, even if they have failed kidney healing, this is still true. The good cholesterol (HDL) so that your whole blood and heart system will work much better, and your kidneys will only benefit from it.
Hubei – Saute slightly the garlic and the dry onion in the olive oil (be careful not to brown it – until it spreads a garlic-onion scent) and add the hops leaves and a tablespoon of water. Stir, lower the flame and redden for a few minutes until the leaves 'wilt' well and there are no liquids around. Add green onion, mix and refrigerate.
Renew your youth with light sports such as slow walking for at least 20 minutes 3-4 times a week and no walk that is longer than one hour and a quarter.
My breakfast dish (Yaron Margolin) is fermented oats with a handful of barley grains, pine bark flour and fermented apples.
Carbohydrates – Corn flour is a type of flour made from dried corn and 100 grams per day is allowed, which can be used to make corn bread, flour, tortilla, and baked bell peppers in the oven. Corn grains are allowed to be added to the green juice. You can add a small raw potato (yes, raw – uncooked) or half a root vegetable – also raw – this is the limit of carbohydrates you can have – read the article "Fast Food – Raw Food" for your recovery. The hungry add a quarter of an avocado. Dinner was also toasted corn equivalent to a serving of carbohydrates (provided you did not also use corn flour). Corn is one of the most special foods – 97 percent of the organic matter actually comes from the sun and air and only three percent of the corn plant comes from the soil. But it has a problem with acidity. It raises the body's acidity and thus endangers our health – it should be consumed only in small quantities.
Awaking Tea = AR = Laurus nobilis
Make Laurus nobilis tea (bay leaves) – decoction (one tablespoon of chopped bay leaves in 300 ml water – a cup of tea) bring bay leaves to boil – continue to boil over high heat for 5 minutes and allow to cool covered. Cool all night in the glass container and drink a little bit throughout the day, a tablespoon at a time – every 3 hours, and so for three days. At the end of 10 days continue to cleanse the kidneys from the diet mentioned above. Daffodil tea is a powerful catalyst for cleansing the salts of the kidneys and is also effective against leg swelling, foot pain, edema and gout (gout). After 10 days, repeat three days of drinking tea.
Awakening Tea = Laurus nobilis (bay leaves) – cleanses excess salt from the body – purifies the kidneys. Decoction (of chopped bay leaves in 300 ml water – a cup of tea) 5 minutes to cool all night. Strain and drink a little at a time, throughout the day for 3 days – wonderful.
The glutathione found in avocado, in zucchini, also in vegetable crucifixes and onions and garlic is great for your diet. Glutathione is known to strengthen the immune system and encourage it to fight infections and cancer and of course relieves the liver through detoxification. It clears unparalleled toxins which is exactly what the body needs in which a measure of the GFR kidneys goes down.
"An excerpt from Santa Catherine Mystery Marriages to Rubens" Peter Paul Rubens The Mystical Marriage of St Catherine
Glutathione and Selenium – Glutathione is one of the most important ingredients for strengthening the immune system and repairing body damage – as selenium protects its active presence in our bodies – cabbage green leaves, seaweed, green lettuce juice that includes cabbage and spinach, kale, and added even green avocado to it. The best and most effective way to quickly increase the amount of glutathione needed for the body, and if you add a teaspoon of psyllium, you have a gelatinous delicacy as a whole solid meal. When taking care of the right amount of selenium found in oats for example, and being part of your solid meal – it speeds up the kidney healing process. About the wonderful and so important glutathione for our health I wrote an entire article and the link to it is here.
The Selenium found in legumes, oats, nuts and especially in Brazil nuts, seeds, seeds, and soy products also in cottage cheese helps to produce and recycle this super-antioxidant – glutathione and glutathione are important for maintaining our immune system along with gluten sodium it works amazingly in our favor. It builds defence in the body from defects. And when looking at the effects of selenium (oats, 2 brazil nuts per day and 4 legumes like uncooked lentils per day), chronic kidney disease patients are astonished. In the presence of a constant supplement of 200 mg selenium (oats) daily for three months – this diet has been studied and revealed to help the kidney healing processes. It is evident that the kidney healing process is accelerated and glutathione levels that is in the body of the healer is only growing significantly in their bodies. For articles on glutathione here.
Annunciation by Orazio Gentileschi. Annunciazione (1623 circa), Orazio Gentileschipittore italiano. Source of the painting Wikipedia.
Avoid eating salt! Reduce excess potassium foods: potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, dates, banana, pomelo, celery, mangold, kolrabi, chickpeas, corn, tahini, parsley, legumes and mushrooms, peanut and kernel butter, oatmeal, soy and mango products, including beef, chicken and fish. Excess potassium is not a desirable condition, and reduce protein – the role of kidneys in filtering and eliminating protein decomposition products, urine, creatinine the more man eats protein = the more the kidneys work. Today we talk about consuming 20-30 grams of protein per day for a healthy person (over the age of 40). In addition, protein consumption tables now talk about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Those who need kidney strength should be advised about how much protein they can eat.
טיפול תרופתי מניב בדרך כלל הקלה מבורכת בתסמינים, ברוב המקרים הוא לא מביא מרפה והמחלה נשארת. אחת הסיבות לכך בתרופות עצמן. הן מרוקנות את המערכת ממרכיבים תזונתיים חיוניים, או מונעות את ספיגתם- "תרופות רשומות מהוות את גורם המוות הרביעי בחשיבותו בארה" ב" ד"ר ריי סטראנד "מה שהרופא שלך לא יודע" 'על רופאים ודעות קדומות, ע"מ 243 למעלה. להלן, סדרת כתבות על תרופות טובות ורע שהן מעוררות. ירון מרגולין, צילם יורי מרגולין.
This list should be balanced – if you get unwanted results from the lab – enter weekly treatment days and avoid them – then use them for diversification and in small quantities and once every 3 months return to avoiding these foods for 3-4 days. Prohibited foods rich in potassium are:
Meats and fish: Beef, chicken, fish
Fruits: banana, apricot, melon, grapes, dates, figs, dried fruits, pineapple, kiwi, pomegranate, mango
Vegetables: fresh carrots, artichoke, sprout cabbage, cabbage leaves, kohlrabi, parsley, mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, butternut squash, celery.
Carbohydrates and legumes: Chestnut, cooked fava bean, soybeans, white beans, cabbage, potatoes, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, whole wheat and its products, poppy seeds, also burgul is banned.
Fats: Avocado, kernels, peanuts, almonds and nuts (sunflower seeds, pumpkin, chia and beer yeast), peanut butter, tahini, sesame seeds.
Milk and its products: milk powder, yellow cheese.
Miscellaneous: Cocoa, milk chocolate and bitter, fenugreek, ketchup, cocoa powder, tomato paste.
For questions – here or scroll down
Foods rich in Phosphorus are prohibited:
Dairy products are rich in phosphorus,
also pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds (tahini also forbidden
then) and tahini – all a prison.
Phosphorus is found in every food. Meat,
fish, yeast (then no beer), dairy products, chia seeds,
beer yeast, soft drinks, processed foods, whole grains, soy products, nuts, almonds, eggs, dried fruits, legumes, sesame seeds, pumpkin
seeds and a sunflower seeds.
In the new article – it is a follow-up to the article "Raging Kidney Failure", "Kidney Failure – Delight in Food – A Balanced Diet – Tasty to Go Crazy". For more detail on proper foods and a variety of recipes to help you in recovery – click here
Beautiful Salis – right – of Triisgros with 3 Michelin stars
Delicacies – New Fresh Salmon in Sorrel – (Beautiful Acid Leaves)
Salmon Terry Sorrell – (Sorrel Leaves) is food for the treatment and cleaning of the kidneys – one upscale restaurant in France Triisgros name filed for years Salmon with Sorrel beautiful – a dish that won it 3 Michelin Stars. This is a delicacy but linked to kidney cleansing foods and a kidney cleansing diet you can make Salmon in Sorrel, using the recipe below.
Sorrel Leaves, Nettle and Mallow
Nettles and leaves more suitable for cooking and cleaning kidneys are now used in foods prepared in fancy restaurants. These leaves must first be softened to prepare such leaves. Each leaf is characterized by typical taste and unique are: Mallow petite flowers, mallow is, mallow large, anchored Cretan (when the plant is young, and the hairs on the leaves sparse and not long), Hrdofnin tzitzit, and Akkub (Akob Arabic). It is a plant protected by law. For a reminder only, cook the base of the young leaves found underground and above the thick root and in young inflorescences before their flowers have also opened a membranous nettle the bullet nettle, Stinging nettle. The painful prickliness of hairs should be wary of the leaves and stalks of nettles. The picking is done with gloves or a plastic bag on the picking hand and brewed in hot water – the filtration after it. Apart from the special taste of nettle leaves, it is one of the best remedies for kidneys.
So what and how to prepare gourmet dishes such as salmon Sorrel
You can wrap with
leaves these special rice soaked in vinegar with a little olive oil and
turmeric – spicy fried onions, salmon sashimi, beef thinly sliced and whatever
medicine is encouraged to strengthen the kidneys, for example, apple puree,
Bean, pear Baked or fresh, cabbage, pepper and fennel, garlic and
cranberries. The "wrap" like the
burake, for example, is wrapped in a filling of
spicy leaves seasoned with fried onion. The packaging was like a triangle
or a cigar. Among condiments and trimmings served with Hboriik mint
and lemon – replace the meat puree handcuffed or lentils –
and enjoy!
Beautiful sorrel (dock) salmon –
a dish that won it 3 Michelin Stars of its own – see the restaurant here.
The Recipe for Beautiful Sorrel Salmon
Collect a large amount of fresh beautiful Sorrel leaves that are reminiscent of lemon flavor. Put in a cream mix using shallots and stocked with smoked fish in rice milk, coconut milk or coconut cream!!!) for about 30 seconds on Medium heat, drizzle some lemon into the dish, then pour from the casserole over a flat plate – and spread the salted salmon chunks slightly before basting for 15 seconds on each side of the pan. Must be submitted to the table within a maximum of 12 seconds.
Remember you can replace dairy cream with coconut cream currently available at all supermarkets or limited almond milk.
The above mentioned herbaceous plant, which has large leaves and pickles, is sharply defined, which is more easily used to make the "cucumber" beautiful sorrel (dock), also a curly acid is used in the cylindrical kitchen. Keep in mind that the acidity of the butter is due to the toxic oxalic acid content. The butter leaves young star in Karras, a dish for connoisseurs served in the Galilee restaurants. The cooked and spicy marmalade leaves are wrapped in the dough's husband, baked and eaten like borax – delicacy.
Cooking an oxalic acid joint that is also found in spinach, mangold and pickle leaves, the name of the acid is derived from Oxalis. Land is very common wood sorrel slash (Oxalis pes-Caprae), with the flowers of the yellow. Oxalic acid is also found in nuts, Black pepper, star fruit, parsley, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, poppy seeds, cocoa (chocolate) and legumes – in the process of returning the kidney function it is advised to avoid them.
The oxalate has a tendency to form hard-salt salts with bivalent metal ions. This is how calcium-oxide, iron oxalate or magnesium oxalate crystals form in the body, which settle as kidney stones. In addition to this, and due to the effective linking of the substance with calcium ions, high intake of oxalic acid in food may lead to calcium deficiency (Source).
Two Week Diet for Kidney Cleansing and Pressure for Body-Balance – Protein Fasting
It is imperative to improve the function of the kidneys.
On April 14, 2017, I approached Khorchik, who was 60, with the result of a blood test that he had for the first time – renal dysfunction. His test is brought here.
I scheduled two weekly sessions for healing pressures and a follow-up diet to clean the kidneys.
. The exciting results he received were accompanied by a wide smile at our meeting tonight. These lab results are attached to the assignment. Prostate: Kidney function is normal . We have scheduled further meetings. At this time once a week, in order to maintain his health.
On January 20, 2019, the person returned to be tested, after steadfastly continuing the treatment throughout the year and more from the same encouraging examination in May 2017. The results that came to me just below are attached on January 20, 2019 at 4:45 pm. They are exciting: GFR 77- balanced creatinine – 1.02 urea too Balanced – You can summarize a healthy person and his kidneys are definitely functioning. I asked if his line was vacant. He replied – no. Now he is facing retirement and now he wants to further improve his health.
After about a year – since May 2017 – when the first encouraging result came – a diet of protein fasting, and pressure (Margolin method) for kidney training followed by a diet that changes over time, and a series of recovery pressures – in which the kidneys are functioning poorly.
It is possible in a relatively short time to recover – proof that thinking outside the box pays off – in my opinion, it is imperative to treat the rogue kidneys and restore them to balance. You do not need dialysis and certainly not kidney transplant – you have it.
There is hope – a serious condition revealed from a blood test of someone who came to me from hospitalization.
GFR 17.5 threatening dialysis in a few days – and here you are, a photo from the last tests dated 25.10.2018, just nine sessions after we started working together on taming the rogue kidneys. Below are results now obtained, in pencil, previous results some months ago, 4 appointments after we started work and 2 results of one creatine and one of 5 months ago urea – from 21.3.18 the patient was released from a 3-week hospitalization – with GFR 17.5 as mentioned above, you should know that urea (140 then) reflects the recovery. The kidneys before the creatinine index – also in the area of catastrophe – can be seen that two months ago the trend reversed and was – Recovery – urea – on 20.8.18 = 74.10 and now at 25.10.18 it stands at 60.67. Not stopping the disease, but healing – the look from these tests, two days ago (October 25, 2018) indicates another impressive achievement of "healing pressures." There's hope. As a note, I would add that in this case, there were only 9 sessions of about three months in this case and the first diet was based on protein fasting (custom made). Once a week is a necessary minimum – what is important in the case before us is that in addition to the GFR state at the beginning of the process was below 20 (17.5) and currently stands at 21 as revealed from a conversation with the patient below – it turns out that even if the effort required about 100 percent, there was no damage due to the breaks we had to take during the treatment (due to the burden on my diary). Another thing arises from this – in Israel, in my Tel Aviv clinic and on the return levels, and in contrast to the situation, for example, in the US, kidney failure can recover in the most advanced stage of Disease: GFR 17.5
Patient response was no different – GFR from 17.5 to 21 – in three months.
There is hope – blood test from October 25, 2018, only nine sessions after we started working together on taming the rogue kidneys – below are results now obtained, in pencil records previous results some two months ago, 4 appointments after we started work and 2 results of creatinine and second of condition The urea from 5 months ago – 21.3.18 when the patient was released from a 3-week hospitalization – the GFR was 17.5 and this blood test is 21 – which teaches us that kidney failure can be healed and get out of the disease at its most advanced stage
Unprecedented Achievement – Top Continued correspondence beginning at the top. Pleasure and pleasure
Note: "Being a vegetarian is not a guarantee of health", says Dr Colin T. Campbell, "Many vegetarians are overweight. The oil is the problem here," explains Dr John A. McDougall. "Olive oil or other oil does not matter whether it comes from the plant or the animal – it greases. But 90-95% should be kept and eaten from the plant and those who are at 100% are recommended for plant foods and do not consume any unhealthy foods, otherwise practitioners do not eat properly", McDougall adds.
The Kidneys – A video from the Davidson Online Science section of the site. Davidson Online is an educational site from the Davidson Institute of Science Education – the educational arm of the Weizmann Institute of Science.
Kidney strengthening involves eating quinoa seeds, wheat berries, cranberry juice at least 2 cups a day for a week.
Sweet rice – intended for sushi making, strengthens kidneys, garlic, ginger, and herbs: dandelion, clover, bear grapes (500 mg capsule), cinnamon sticks, azuki beans, black and red beans. Vegetables to strengthen the kidneys: fennel, onion, onion Green, chives, beets, parsley, and celery. Fish: Salmon and trout. Legumes: Mung beans, water chestnut, black sesame seeds, walnuts and Brazil nuts.
Magnesium additives (300 mg, daily) Horse Tail – (500 mg twice daily) and B Complex (100 mg daily).
Azuki – According to Chinese medicine, azuki is the most youthful and very good kidney strength. When cooked with various pumpkins, a teaspoon of cinnamon and seaweed combo can help balance the sugar levels in the body and the cravings for sweet. Lentils contain excellent protein but the peas and buckwheat are full of protein – is our preference. Start with peas and move after about 11 months to buckwheat. The avocado is better than that. It is also good to eat it when there is a lack of energy. At the same time, the Azuki contains 1,254mg of potassium per 100 grams – so it should be consumed only on a small dose and no more than 2 tablespoons per meal – keep in mind that a kidney repair concentrate on protein fasting. Do not exceed 35 grams of protein per day if your absorption index is below 80. And if under 30 then 18 grams of protein per day.
Kedd Strengthening Plant – Kedr (Astragalus) generally improves quality of life, improves resistance to infectious diseases, when measured Albumin – the appearance of protein in the urine – has been used to reduce inflammation. A good introduction to use in cases of autoimmune diseases. Immuno-stimulant and general strengthening, the mucus encourages white blood cell formation and helps treat cancer patients, lowers swelling and helps pus drainage, helps lower blood pressure, strengthens spleen and pancreas, high blood sugar balance. Inhibits and restores deterioration of renal functions.
Liquorice – Bald Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Bald licorice also known as licorice root is a medicinal root – also uses the stem and branches of the plant which contains many healthy compounds to relieve chronic fatigue in renal failure. The licorice root is a very effective antioxidant, which reduces bad blood cholesterol, balances blood pressure, and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and has a great effect on your kidneys – the drink known as sweet, tasty and ready-to-eat Liquorice – and also has an unusual feature – Glycerisin which can lower the potassium levels in the body – which speeds up the process of renal failure and allows advanced stages of treatment to diversify more into the diet, for example eating a salad with avocado. Caution: Glycerin can also cause trouble. Potassium levels in the body plummet too much. And when that happens, some people may experience an increase in blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, edema and heart failure. The Liquorice can be used as a kidney food supplement – only if you know how, and when it can also be used as a candy – licorice candies also called "Bamblick" are made from it.
Sharab Arak Sus – from the plant's sweet roots extract a cold and sweet drink is called a Sus mentioned above, I used to sip a cool horse with my father in my childhood in the market of ancient Nazareth – the drink is called Arabic: "Sharab Arak شراب عرق السوس ", is very sweet. In Nazareth and Jerusalem markets, even in Old Acre, they used to hang out with a big, beautiful jug and the drink inside – we sipped it mainly during the hot summer days. In Israel, the plant grows in moist habitats in the coastal lowlands and in the Golan.
Note to those taking Medication to lower Blood Pressure
The mechanism to lower blood pressure medicine establishment operates in three ways, and sometimes combines them together using a drug that affects the kidneys and affect the enzymes that work nephrons, the heart and the enzyme to survive even the brain and the mechanism of blood vessel dilation through:
1. Diuretic
2. Medication to Reduce Pulse: Blockers Beta (no pressure please – cancels attack and escapes natural survival mechanism).
3. Vascular and vasodilation (vasodilation) substances – and in this area also alpha-blocking arterial relaxation When you start with protein fasting and raw food fasting, the body condition changes due to extremely fast recovery processes.
– Nephrons function better, blood vessels flex and expand naturally, because muscle contractions go away with healing pressures and plaques with the help of the good bacteria and immune system – but this information does not reach the drug and they continue to push the system – to remove substances that are needed to stop enzymes needed, continue the recovery process. So, I ask everyone who comes to me to tell me about taking medication so I can add, for example, a salty fish I love so much or 1/8 teaspoon of salt to make the drugs work! I refrain from changing the amount of drugs and reduce substances from them because I'm not a doctor. You should, for example, measure your blood pressure every day and prove to your doctor that you do not need such a large amount of diuretics, heart blockers or enzyme inhibitors – creatinine lowers and what not? Because the plaque is evacuated in a healing diet from the blood vessels' walls at a very rapid rate – yes, we will certainly need the help of licensed healers – to do this constantly and to prove to them that healing is evolving because the truth must tell they have never seen – healing kidneys!
For questions – here or scroll down
Please use the means on this page, do not look for Yaron Margolin's phone number to call him. He can not talk on the phone when he is in the clinic and in fact he is in the clinic almost all day. Helps people recover.
Lucrezia Lotto – portrait of Lucrezia. c.1533. Lorenzo Lotto (c. 1480-1556/57)
A portrait of a modest woman from Italy and an inscription on her desk that aimed at the Roman laceric who committed suicide, to protect her honor, and brought about a change in the empire. The painting comes to teach that not everyone who is above is a criminal and greedy. A wonderful oil painting by the legendary painter Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian school continues to thrill. "Nec ulla impudica Lucretiae exemplo vivet"
Lucretia Exemplo impodica" – "No maiden or unmarried woman will live anymore in the light of Lucretia's example": says the note, which warns of the terrorism that cannot be criticized.
The painting was purchased by the English, and is displayed in their wonderful National Gallery (free and accessible) as far as Lucrezia's portrait first appears in a record written in the late 18th century, when this portrait was in the "Pesaro" collection in Venice – the painting is of course attributed to Lucrezia and Lear, who married the family The famous Pesaro in 1533. The note on the table betrays Lorenzo Lotto – he is the painter. Many times such clues appear in his works but, as mentioned above, the note hints at Lucretia the wife of a nobleman by the name of Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus. After being raped by Sextus, the son of the last Roman king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, Lucrezia committed suicide. The revenge of the citizens of Rome in the royal family led to a governmental revolution that stopped the monarchy in Rome and made it a republic.
The mechanism for lowering the blood pressure of institutional medicine operates in three ways and sometimes combine them with each other, but only through drugs that work on the kidneys and affect the enzymes that act on nephrons, the heart, lungs and a host of enzymes. Some are related to survival like adrenaline, and they also affect the brain and vascular expansion mechanism through:
1. Urine material
2. Pulse-lowering agents: beta-blockers (no pressure please – eliminates the natural survival attack and escape).
3. Vasodilation, vasodilatation – and in this area also arterial relaxation such as the enzyme inhibitor, called ACE Inhibitors, inhibit the production of angiotensin 2, the problem all of which are zinc depletion of the body – and should be consumed regularly from the list of foods published in this topic – Here.
Zinc supplementation improves vitamin B12 levels in the body as well as the folic acid reservoir (reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, aids in the elimination of arteries and the removal of toxins from the body even in the construction of new cells. B12 deficiency can damage the nervous system). For Kidney patients the right supplement vitamin B12 is the kind of methylcobalamin methylcobalamin – (not Cyanocobalamin) only!
The cures are good, as long as the person continues a bad lifestyle. Nutrition devastating enriches its drainage system making materials plaque or plaque – clog and harden the blood vessels (also known as atherosclerosis). When we start changing diet and especially in the recovery processes from kidney failure, Alzheimer's , and fatty liver through protein fasting or raw food fasting. The body condition changes completely. The body's recovery processes are extremely fast – nephrons function better, blood vessels naturally flex and expand, but this information does not reach the drug and they continue to push the system – with a bulldozer and dynamite. They are committed to removing substances from their roles, to stopping active enzymes, to removing potassium, magnesium, iron and sodium but now, when the recovery process begins – again they need – so I ask everyone who comes to me for kidney failure, fatty liver or high blood pressure and Alzheimer's Notify me if you are taking medication so I can add salted fish, a cup of orange juice – or Coenzyme Q10 and B6, to protect it from good drug damage…. Yaron Margolin
The Five Indices and Another Five
GFR, Albumin, A1C, Glucose, and Urea – in Urine –
To speed up your inquiry – 5 mandatory metrics need to be taken urgently – and sent via the email below or for those who have my whatsapp preferable (please message, don't call, because there is low chance I will answer due to a small referral load). Without these metrics I will not be able to put you in the queue, and these are the metrics I need to see:
1. eGFR or Filtration Index – Standard Index 70 – 120 – GFR– 60 Index and Below – Reporting Obligation and Immediate Treatment – No Time! – Must report – here
2. Albumin in the urine (microalbuminuria) – test results and urine microalbumin test between Hmikroalbomin-to-creatinine ratio is very important and revealing inflammation nephrons – In healthy people, urine albumin level is usually very low and is in a concentration of 20-30 mg of albumin in 24 hours, Or less than 2 milligrams per deciliter. (Albumin – in blood tests the norm range is 3.4 to 5.4 grams per deciliter. No abnormalities! When the urinary albumin level is in the range of 30-300 milligrams of albumin per gram of creatinine (0.03-0.3) the condition is defined as Microalbuminuria) and when it is above 300-500 Talk about Macroalbuminuria – Must report – here
3. Sugar Hemoglobin – A1C – Additional Names – Glycated Hemoglobin, HbA1C, A1C – In most laboratories the normal range of A1C is 4.5-5.9%, an index over 6 must report – and its history must be submitted – here
4. Blood glucose – any data above 110 is important – here too, the blood sugar history details (when higher than 110) must be sent – values below 110 mg / dl are normal values. Values over 126 mg / dl – Fear of diabetes – – Must report – here
5. A. Urea – represents the amount of protein that a person needs and secretes through the kidneys – urea in urine – Urea from chemical tests of the blood. Other names memorized, acceptable values BUN – 21-66 milligrams per deciliter. Men over 70 and women over 60 must report – here
6. B. Urea – Urine – level is in the range of 12-30 – values above 33 should be sent to me – here
The five clarification metrics – additional metrics :
Creatinine – When you reach me from this article, it's clear to me that your creatinine is high, the creatinine norm limits: mg / dl 1.20-0.80. This is how I know how many nephrons are not functioning in your kidney
Uric acid
HDL Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
In cases of anemia (low hemoglobin, iron deficiency, You also need: Ferritin, transferrin and Transferrin saturations, HCT, MCH, RBC [source]. You should also find out what the index is EPO) –
BUN – Urea
– a1c
If the eGFR indices are lower than 33.3, inflammation data are also required, especially
CRP – C-reactive protein
Complement – C3
Complement – C4
Blood pressure index
marital status
Each and every one of them (all of these metrics) Expands the picture and makes it possible to direct the path to recovery. It must be remembered that every kidney disease is different. Your metrics are important to me expands the picture for the first session and allows me to accurately describe the medications – i.e. the right form of nutrition for your condition I give you.
So far, the Rogue Kidney Training articles – here
I invite you to my new site – Healing Presses
Recovery menu – Continue to article "Kidney failure – Delight in food – Balanced diet – Delicious to go crazy" – here – What to eat in cases of kidney failure – recipes for a balanced diet – tasty and healing – here
The article – Kidney Failure – Protein Fasting is designed for those whose GFR is about 30 and under.
The articles – The Ten Healthiest Foods for Kidney Patients
The article "Kidney Diabetes (Diabetic Nephropathy) Yes, You Can Heal"
For the first article in the series on the good and bad drugs –
blood pressure – and the drained drugs – here
for the second article in this series – B12 –
and the complications that can be prevented – here
for the third article in this series – on the restoration of your
body and glutathione – here
for the fourth article in this series – thiamine – B1 – here
for the fifth article in the series – on Biotin B7 – here
for the sixth article in the series – Prozac and coffee – here
for the seventh article in the series – zinc – here
for the eighth article in the series – the good and bad drugs – the elimination of the treasure that
protects the water and blood pressure in the body – potassium
Taming of the Kidneys
The only way to recover from Chronic kidney disease. In this article you will find all the secrets, everything that really matters to you to know, If you really want to get better.
If you have any questions left –
I'd be happy to answer any questions.
For a direct application form to Yaron Margolin – please click here
לטופס פנייה ישירה אל ירון מרגולין – נא להקליק – כאן
Please use the means on this page, do not look for Yaron Margolin's phone number to call him. He can not talk on the phone when he is in the clinic and in fact he is in the clinic almost all day. Helps people recover.
For the avoidance of doubt, consult a physician (who knows in detail the general health of each patient or yours) before using any medicine, food, extract or any exercise. The information on Yaron Margolin's website or the "Healing Presses" website (on Facebook or MARGOLINMETHOD.COM), in the above article and in Yaron Margolin's articles are material for thought – philosophy neither recommendation nor public guidance to use or cease to use drugs – no information on this site or anyone You should always consult with a qualified physician or pharmacist regarding pain, bad feeling, or goals and how to use foods, ointments, extracts and even exercises, or other remedies that are mentioned as such.
מאמרים אחרונים – Recent Articles
Kidney Failure Taming the Rogue Kidneys Vital Information
- לחלק הראשון הבצל והפלפלים
- התרופות מקבוצת הסטטינים להורדת כולסטרול יכולות להביא אותך למחלת כליות איומה, יתר חומצת שתן, כאבי שרירים, סוכרת וזו רשימה חלקית
- אי ספיקת כליות – הגורמים השכיחים ביותר ל-CKD הם סוכרת שנשלטת על ידי תרופות = שליטה גרועה בסוכרת ויתר לחץ דם שמטופל לכאורה על-ידי תרופות
- השפעות של הורמון הגדילה (GH) על תפקוד הכליות בבריאות ובמחלות כליות
- רככת היפופוספטמית (זרחן נמוך מהנורמה) – מחלת כליות כרונית – או הפרעת עצם מינרלית
- גלוטתיון Glutathione ו-N-אצטיל-ציסטאין (NAC)
- לחלק השני – החסה
- לחלק השלישי – תפוח אדמה והבוטיראט
- לחלק הרביעי – הכוסמת המופלאה
- לחלק החמישי – נבטי הברוקולי וחלבון הנעורים
- לחלק השישי – שיבולת השועל והבטא קלגן
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה. 1
- רעלים אורמיים מקדמים דיאליזה – הוכח לאחרונה שרעלנים אורמיים קשורים למיקרוביוטה של המעי הגס – איך להחלים ללא תרופות ולהימנע מדיאליזה
- ציר המעיים-מוח פסיכוביוטיקה psychobiotics
- אוכלוסיית המעי הגס חיידקים טובים, דיסביוזיס ו "שומר הגנום" גן p53
- חימצון האינסולין והגברה של חומצת שתן בדם, גאוט, אי ספיקת כליות, שבץ לב וסוכרת
- ירידה בתפקוד הכליות – מה לעשות?
- התכנית לשיקום הכליות – כאן.
- מכתב תודה ממחלימת כליות בתוך ארבעה חודשים.
- לחץ דם גבוהה מסיבות נפשיות ויתר סטרס בחיי האדם
- דלדול עצם – אוסטאופורוזיס (Osteoporosis) מה אפשר לעשות כדי לחזק את העצמות ללא תרופות?
- גאוט הוא לא רק יתר פורין – החיים עם גאוט תלוי גיל ומין – האם אפשר לנצח גאוט בלי לבלוע הורמוני מין?
- ממצאים חדשניים למקור הגאוט
- מדללי דם טבעיים – חומרים אנטי-תרומבוטיים: נאטוקינאז, ויטמין E, פלפל קאיין, כורכום, קינמון, וספורט מאפשרים טיפול בנוזלי הדם ללא תרופות.
- צרבת כרונית – רוצה להחלים ללא תרופות?
- יתר שומנים בדם היפרליפידמיה – חשש לצורך בצנתור
- סיבו Sibo צמיחת יתר של חיידקי המעי הדק
- חומצה אלפא לינולנית משפרת את תוחלת החיים – צריכה גבוהה של חומצות שומן מצמחים נחשפה כגורם שמאריך את החיים.
- רוצה להחלים מאי ספיקת כליות – יש להגיע לטיפול מחלים כליות מהר ככל האפשר
- הצלבת איברים – הדרך להחלמה ממחלת כליות קשה מאוד
- רוצה להחלים ללא תרופות ממחלת מחלת כליות נפרופתיה אימונוגלובולין איי?
- בילירובין – Bilirubin – מדד גבוה מה לעשות
- ירידה בתפקוד הכליות – מה לעשות?
- חקר המשמעות של 20 חומצות האמינו בסינתזת חלבון
- אנמיה – רוצה להחלים ממחלה כרונית קשה. זרקור אל הטרנספרין הנמוך מלח שולחן ויתר לחץ דם
- אנמיה – רוצה להחלים ממחלה כרונית קשה. זרקור אל הטרנספרין הנמוך
- ירידה בתפקוד הכליות – מה לעשות?
- התכנית לשיקום הכליות – כאן.
- מלח שולחן ויתר לחץ דם
- דנרבציה כלייתית Renal denervation (RDN)
- שקט נפשי נמצא חשוב בבריאותם של האנשים ויותר מכך בקרב גימלאים
- בריאות הנפש ואריכות ימים – מאמר על הטלומרים והשפעת הרגשות עליהם
- ברומלין או קמח קליפות אננס
- כישורי חיים יוצאי דופן בקרב ילדים שספגו ביקורת רבה מדי בילדותם
- לחץ דם גבוהה מסיבות נפשיות ויתר סטרס בחיי האדם –
- איך לא להגיע לדיאליזה
- זיהום סביבתי מקדם את מחלת הכליות
- הבדידות – חזית חדשה ומקור רב משמעות למחלות כרוניות – מגפת הבדידות
- שיגאקי הינוהרה הרופה שהמליץ ליהנות מהחיים, להיות צנוע מול צלחת האוכל ולצאת לגמלאות מאוחר ככל האפשר
- הליקובקטר פילורי – Helicobacter pylori חיידק חתרני שנמצא כמעט אך ורק בבני אדם – טיפול
- מחלת כליות – נתנת להחלמה – לשם כך יש לזהות אותה מוקדם ככל האפשר – הקסטסרופה!
- רזון – ירידה בלתי רצונית במשקל – Unintentional weight loss
- מכתב תודה ממחלימת כליות בתוך ארבעה חודשים
- מזון למוח – המזון הבריא למוח תומך בגמישות מערכת העצבים שלו וביכולת הלמידה, שומר על הזכרון, ומונע מחלות כגון אלצהיימר.
- למה אני לא מצליח להתמיד – והסוכר
- Lecithin לציטין – מזון כתרופה ומולקולה שומנית, שמגינה על המוח, הכבד, הלב, ועל דופן המעי
- מסלול איתות חדש במוח שמווסת אכילה מופרזת
- ציר המעיים-מוח פסיכוביוטיקה psychobiotics
- יש פתרון כולל לבעיות הקשורות לדימוי עצמי, חוסר בטחון וערך עצמי נמוך – דופמין
- סלניום Se התגלה כאנטי- אייג'ינג ומגן מפני מחלות כרוניות
- הנוגדנים העצמיים כנגד האנזים GAD על פני תאי ביתא בלבלב הם נציגי השטן עצמו בגוף האדם ומקור למספר רב של מחלות קשות בהן סוכרת מסוג (T1D) 1, ירידה בתפקוד בלוטת התריס, הפחתה בגאבא המיוצרת בתאי המוח מגלוטמט, התקפי חרדה ואפילפסיה.
- סטרס יכול לעתים גם לרפא – מחקר חדש על תאי המוח
- שעועית הקטיפה הקסומה – המקונה פרריינס או קִטְנִיּוֹת ההצלה והתשוקה – מזון החלמה שיכול להציל חולי פרקינסון – Mucuna pruriens
- הגיל השלישי, תאוותיה של הזיקנה – ואיך להתבגר יפה, טוב ובריא
- בני-על – האם יש גבול ביולוגי למספר השנים שאדם יכול לחיות?
- מרחבי חיים מאריכי חיים – האזורי הכחולים
- כל מה שאתה צריך לדעת על מיקרו-תזונה – ויטמינים ומינרלים
- תוספי סידן – זהירות – סיכון לשבץ מוחי
- שיחות ההחלמה ושיחות בין ידידים – על ההבדלים ביניהן
- ניתוק רגשי – על הקורוציונה
- די לכאב
- ראיית המעמקים – כניסה לטרקלין או על החיים האמתיים.
- התודעה השלילית
- ביקורת מבזה
- איך לצאת ממצבי תקיעות בחיים – שיטת שלוש השאלות בגובה העיניים
- נמאס לי מהחיים מה עושים
- על היכולת להשתקם, לקום מאבק הדרך ומכאב הפרידה
- לחץ דם גבוהה מסיבות נפשיות ויתר סטרס בחיי האדם
- האם כדורים נגד לחץ דם הצילו אנשים ממוות?
- למה חולי כליה, שנוטלים כדורים להפחתת לחץ דם גבוה, יגיעו בוודאות לדיאליזה.
- התרופות והרע – נזקי התרופות ללחץ דם
- תרופות ללחץ דם גבוהה נמצאו כקשורות לסיכון מוגבר לסכיזופרניה
- יתר לחץ דם – שינוי פרדיגמה וגישות חדשות – לחץ דם גבוה וטיפול טבעי ללא תרופות לאחר שטיפול תרופתי נערץ כשל
- הומוציסטאין, ויטמינים ומניעת מחלות כלי דם
- מגיע לי – העדר הכרה במאמץ של השועט קדימה, יכולה להרוס אותך
- דיוקסינים במזון
- דלדול עצם – אוסטאופורוזיס (Osteoporosis) מה אפשר לעשות כדי לחזק את העצמות ללא תרופות?
- שקט נפשי נמצא חשוב בבריאותם של האנשים ויותר מכך בקרב גימלאים
- בריאות הנפש ואריכות ימים – מאמר על הטלומרים והשפעת הרגשות עליהם
- ברומלין או קמח קליפות אננס
- כישורי חיים יוצאי דופן בקרב ילדים שספגו ביקורת רבה מדי בילדותם
- איך לא להגיע לדיאליזה
- זיהום סביבתי מקדם את מחלת הכליות
- הבדידות – חזית חדשה ומקור רב משמעות למחלות כרוניות – מגפת הבדידות
- שיגאקי הינוהרה הרופה שהמליץ ליהנות מהחיים, להיות צנוע מול צלחת האוכל ולצאת לגמלאות מאוחר ככל האפשר
- הליקובקטר פילורי – Helicobacter pylori חיידק חתרני שנמצא כמעט אך ורק בבני אדם – טיפול
- מחלת כליות – נתנת להחלמה – לשם כך יש לזהות אותה מוקדם ככל האפשר – הקסטסרופה!
- רזון – ירידה בלתי רצונית במשקל – Unintentional weight loss
- מחלת כליות – נתנת להחלמה – לשם כך יש לזהות אותה מוקדם ככל האפשר – הקסטסרופה!
- להחלים מסוכרת ואי ספיקת כליות
- הקשר של כבד שומני, ומחלת כליות כרונית מחקר חדש
- אנמיה – מחסור בברזל, כשל טיפול והיבטים ביולוגיים חשובים של מחסור בברזל ודרכי החלמה חדשות – מחקר חדש.
- למה חסר לי ברזל – כאן
- דלדול עצם – אוסטאופורוזיס (Osteoporosis) מה אפשר לעשות כדי לחזק את העצמות ללא תרופות?
- מחלת כליות – נתנת להחלמה – לשם כך יש לזהות אותה מוקדם ככל האפשר – הקסטסרופה!
- להחלים מסוכרת ואי ספיקת כליות
- הקשר של כבד שומני, ומחלת כליות כרונית מחקר חדש
- אנמיה – מחסור בברזל, כשל טיפול והיבטים ביולוגיים חשובים של מחסור בברזל ודרכי החלמה חדשות – מחקר חדש.
- רזון – ירידה בלתי רצונית במשקל – Unintentional weight loss
- להחלים מאלצהיימר – Alzheimer's disease מחלה קשה, שאפשר להשתקם ממנה
- מכתב תודה ממחלימת כליות בתוך ארבעה חודשים
- שיראטאקי אטריות קונג`אק – מתכונים
- זיהום סביבתי מקדם את מחלת הכליות
- הבדידות – חזית חדשה ומקור רב משמעות למחלות כרוניות – מגפת הבדידות.
- כישורי חיים יוצאי דופן בקרב ילדים שספגו ביקורת רבה מדי בילדותם.
- שיגאקי הינוהרה הרופה שהמליץ ליהנות מהחיים, להיות צנוע מול צלחת האוכל ולצאת לגמלאות מאוחר ככל האפשר
- תנגודת לאינסולין (insulin resistance) מאת ירון מרגולין
- תובנות חדשות אי-ספיקת כליות תלויה במצבו של ציר FGF23-Klotho
- מחלת שינוי מינימלי Minimal Changes Disease מינימל צ’יינג’
- מחלת כליות פוליציסטית אוטוזומלית דומיננטית (ADPKD)
- רככת היפופוספטמית (זרחן נמוך מהנורמה) – מחלת כליות כרונית – או הפרעת עצם מינרלית
- הליקובקטר פילורי – Helicobacter pylori חיידק חתרני שנמצא כמעט אך ורק בבני אדם – טיפול
- מקצבים בעולם החי – שעון ביולוגי בתאי הגוף
- מזון למוח – המזון הבריא למוח תומך בגמישות מערכת העצבים שלו וביכולת הלמידה, שומר על הזכרון, ומונע מחלות כגון אלצהיימר.
- שיראטאקי אטריות קונג`אק – מתכונים
- דילול השכבה הדמית [כורואיד (Choroidal)] ורשתית העין במחלת כליות כרונית קשור באופן ישיר לירידה ב-eGFR וניתנים לשינוי עם הטיפול התזונתי.
- האם כדורים נגד לחץ דם הצילו אנשים ממוות?
- Lecithin לציטין – מזון כתרופה ומולקולה שומנית, שמגינה על המוח, הכבד, הלב, ועל דופן המעי
- שעועית הקטיפה הקסומה – המקונה פרריינס או קִטְנִיּוֹת ההצלה והתשוקה – מזון החלמה שיכול להציל חולי פרקינסון – Mucuna pruriens
- דלדול עצם – אוסטאופורוזיס (Osteoporosis) מה אפשר לעשות כדי לחזק את העצמות
- מפגשי עם נער שהחלים מאספרגר להתגבר על אוטיזם – ימי הסנאל שלי
- נתקע לי בגרון, תחושת מחנק, דיספגיה.
- תפליט פריקרדילי הצטברות של מים סביב הלב
- שבטבט וסודות התימינאז
- תנגודת לאינסולין (insulin resistance) מאת ירון מרגולין
- תסמונת קרדיווסקולרית-כלייתית-מטבולית (CKM).
- מזון כתרופה – השמן של לורנצו
- ברומלין או קמח קליפות אננס
- כישורי חיים יוצאי דופן בקרב ילדים שספגו ביקורת רבה מדי בילדותם
- לחץ דם גבוהה מסיבות נפשיות ויתר סטרס בחיי האדם –
- איך לא להגיע לדיאליזה
- זיהום סביבתי מקדם את מחלת הכליות
- הליקובקטר פילורי – Helicobacter pylori חיידק חתרני שנמצא כמעט אך ורק בבני אדם – טיפול
- מחלת כליות – נתנת להחלמה – לשם כך יש לזהות אותה מוקדם ככל האפשר – הקסטסרופה!
- סיבי תזונה
- חומציותו של הנוזל הבין תאי בגוף האדם מונעת תהליכי החלמה במחלות כרוניות קשות – מה לעשות
- סמנים ביולוגיים מוקדמים ככל האפשר לנפגעי הכליה בבדיקות דם עבור מחלת כליות חריפה AKI או אי ספיקת כליות CKD יכולה להציל את חייהם של אלפי אנשים.
- הנוגדנים העצמיים כנגד האנזים GAD על פני תאי ביתא בלבלב הם נציגי השטן עצמו בגוף האדם ומקור למספר רב של מחלות קשות בהן סוכרת מסוג (T1D) 1, ירידה בתפקוד בלוטת התריס, הפחתה בגאבא המיוצרת בתאי המוח מגלוטמט, התקפי חרדה ואפילפסיה.
- האם כדורים נגד לחץ דם הצילו אנשים ממוות?
- אמנות ההחלמה האבודה
- Lecithin לציטין – מזון כתרופה ומולקולה שומנית, שמגינה על המוח, הכבד, הלב, ועל דופן המעי
- שעועית הקטיפה הקסומה – המקונה פרריינס או קִטְנִיּוֹת ההצלה והתשוקה – מזון החלמה שיכול להציל חולי פרקינסון – Mucuna pruriens
- דלדול עצם – אוסטאופורוזיס (Osteoporosis) מה אפשר לעשות כדי לחזק את העצמות ללא תרופות?
- התערבויות בניהול רגשות, מחשבות ואורח חיים כדי להתמודד עם מגיפה של מחלות כליתיות
- חומוס מזין, מרגיע ונוגד חרדות – מתכונים
- בני-על – האם יש גבול ביולוגי למספר השנים שאדם יכול לחיות?
- 8 חסרים תזונתיים שכיחים
- האם בוטנים, קליפות בוטנים ומוצריהן הם מזון על?
- להתסיס שיבולת שועל – מתכון וכל הסודות
- שלושת המיצים
- תנגודת לאינסולין וקמח מפרי עץ החרוב
- קמח קליפות בצל ותה קליפות בצל – מתכון
- אבחון מוקדם למחלת הכליות יכול להציל חיי אדם
- פורינים חוץ תאיים ותחזוקת הכליות
- פחד גבהים – מהו פחד גבהים וטיפול
- חומצת שתן נמוכה, או היפואוריצמיה (Hypouricemia)
- התערבויות בניהול רגשות, מחשבות ואורח חיים כדי להתמודד עם מגיפה של מחלות כליתיות
- פחות מתים – טכניקת דיאליזה חדשה שבולמת את קצב המתים ומגבירה את ההישרדות בכשל כליות.
- נאטו (פולי סויה מותססים יפניים) מתכון
- מיטוכונדריה – במיטוכונדריון מתחילה מחלת הכליות
- התקף לב / אירוע לבבי בעקבות מחלת כליות – מסלול איתות שמגן על הלב בשם "VEGFA" משתבש בגלל מחלת כליות כרונית.
- סמנים ביולוגיים (Novel Biomarkers) ובדיקת כליות מוקדמת ככל האפשר – מצילה חיים
- אבחון מוקדם של תפקוד הכליות מאפשר אריכות חיים.
- טאורין: חומצה אמינית מסתורית ומסקרנת
- מלטונין הוכח שהורמון השינה נוגד חמצון רב עוצמה ויעיל כתרופה בקרב חולי כליה
- מיטוכונדריה – במיטוכונדריון מתחילה מחלת הכליות
- סמנים ביולוגיים (Novel Biomarkers) ובדיקת כליות מוקדמת ככל האפשר – מצילה חיים
- שיחות ההחלמה ושיחות בין ידידים – על ההבדלים ביניהן
- הפסיכולוגיה הטיפולית וההוליסטית – תולדות הפסיכותרפיה
- יש פתרון כולל לבעיות הקשורות לדימוי עצמי, חוסר בטחון וערך עצמי נמוך – דופמין
- חרדה
- מעגל המוזר – התפתחות ה"אני" בשנה התשיעית לחייו
- איך מורידים לחץ וחרדות באופן טבעי? התמודדות עם סטרס ולחץ נפשי
- טיפול נפשי ללא תרופות – חרדות, פחדים וייאוש – תסמינים שיש להם פתרון טבעי, מדויק ומהיר
- למה אני לא מצליח להתמיד – והסוכר
- גמישות היא מצב נפשי – אתגר בזרימה ושינוי – אני מבקש להתגמש
- חזרה לבסיס – עקרונות צירופי המזון
- על ההזנחה
- תרופות הרגעה שמשאירות אותך רעב וחרד – ציפּרָלֵקס, פּרוֹזַק, פלואוקסטין
- מגילת רות האלמנה שיצאה ממרחב הנוחות
- האם תזונה נוגדת דלקת יכולה לעזור?
- חידושים ומהפכות בנושא יתר לחץ דם.
- נוגדני ANF – גורם אנטי גרעיני ונוגדן אנטי-ציטופלזמי של נויטרופיל – ANCA
- תעוקת חזה מיקרו-וסקולרית
- "מגיפת המאה העשרים ואחת", מיתוסים רפואיים: כל מה שחשוב לדעת על אלרגיות
- מזון כתרופה
- חומציותו של הנוזל הבין תאי בגוף האדם מונעת תהליכי החלמה במחלות כרוניות קשות – מה לעשות?
- אנטיביוטיקה – על נזקיה לאנשים בכלל ובפרט לחולים
- תזונה תאית
- כל מה שאתה צריך לדעת על מיקרו-תזונה – ויטמינים ומינרלים
- להתסיס שיבולת שועל – מתכון וכל הסודות.
- כל מה שאתה צריך לדעת על מיקרו-תזונה – ויטמינים ומינרלים
- להתסיס שיבולת שועל – מתכון וכל הסודות
- למה מדידת הויטמין B12, רחוקה מלהיות מדויקת?
- הומוציסטאין, ויטמינים ומניעת מחלות כלי דם
- ירקות ירוקי עלים לרוב טובים לבריאותנו, לפעמים הם לא – רוצה לדעת מתי כדאי לצרוך עלים ירוקים?
- תרופות ללחץ דם גבוהה נמצאו כקשורות לסיכון מוגבר לסכיזופרניה
- חומץ אננס – רוצה לדעת כיצד להכין תרופה ביתית, אנטי-דלקתי מקליפות האננס?
- תחמוצת החנקן (NO) כיווץ תאי האנדותל, מחלות כרוניות קשות – ודרכי ריפוי חדשות
- יתר לחץ דם – שינוי פרדיגמה וגישות חדשות – לחץ דם גבוה וטיפול טבעי ללא תרופות לאחר שטיפול תרופתי נערץ כשל
- מזון כתרופה – שמן זית ושמן קנולה או חרדל הצילו מאות ילדים בעולם.
- מחשבון מדידה והערכת קצב הסינון הגלומרולרי (GFR) אשר מבוסס על קריאטינין, נתוני גוף, גיל, גזע ומין.
- מזון כתרופה – אפשר להחלים מאי ספיקת כליות
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה – על השעורה (דגן) ופעולות נוגדות דלקת כולל עיכוב גורם נמק גידול אלפא – Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α).
- על הנקמה ודמימותיה
- גודש נוזלים בריאות – בקרב חולי כליה
- איך להיראות צעיר מגילך – כל הסודות
- על ההשפעה האיומה של חלבון מן החי על הכליות
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה – קמח קליפת רימונים (PPF) .9
- Reconstruction of erythropoietin by the kidneys without drugs
- קטואנאלוג ketoanalogue
- תרופות ללחץ דם גבוהה נמצאו כקשורות לסיכון מוגבר לסכיזופרניה
- שיחות ההחלמה ושיחות בין ידידים – על ההבדלים ביניהן
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה – שיבולת השועל וה β- גלוקנים חלק – 6.
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה – קמח קליפת רימונים (PPF) .9
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה – קסמי הכוסמת – המטפלת של דפנותה העורקים –
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה – צרור נבטי הברוקולי והסולפורפאן חלק – 5.
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה – קסמי הכוסמת – המטפלת של דפנותה העורקים – 4
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה – תפוח האדמה והבוטיראט. 3.
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה על האצות והפוקוקסנטין, חלק 7.
- עשרת המזונות הבריאים ביותר לחולי כלייה. 1
- הומוציסטאין, ויטמינים ומניעת מחלות כלי דם
- חומצה אלפא לינולנית משפרת את תוחלת החיים – צריכה גבוהה של חומצות שומן מצמחים נחשפה כגורם שמאריך את החיים.
- מחסור בברזל
- השבועה ההיפוקרטית – העדויות על קשרים פיננסיים של רופאים עם תעשיית התרופות, הולכות ורבות, האם השבועה מופרת כיום?
- תרגולי נשימות סרעפתיות כדרך לשליטה והרגעת כאבים תוך כדי קידום פוקוס ורוגע
- קמח קליפות בצל ותה קליפות בצל – מתכון
- אוכלוסיית המעי הגס חיידקים טובים, דיסביוזיס ו “שומר הגנום” גן p53
- ביקורת מבזה
- חומצה אורית Uric acid צום פורינים – מצב המכונה גם היפראוריקמיה וטופי.
- להוריד קריאטינין, אוריאה ולהחלים ללא תרופות מאי ספיקת כליות
- גמישות היא מצב נפשי – אתגר בזרימה ושינוי – אני מבקש להתגמש
- ימי הסנאל שלי – להתגבר על אוטיזם – פרק א
- הצלבת איברים – הדרך להחלמה ממחלת כליות קשה מאוד
- רוצה להחלים ללא תרופות ממחלת מחלת כליות נפרופתיה אימונוגלובולין איי?
- ממצאים חדשניים למקור הגאוט
- צרבת כרונית – רוצה להחלים ללא תרופות?
- מהי תסמונת מטבולית (MetS)?
- הפסיכולוגיה הטיפולית וההוליסטית – תולדות הפסיכותרפיה
- הגיל השלישי, תאוותיה של הזיקנה – ואיך להתבגר יפה, טוב ובריא
- בני-על – האם יש גבול ביולוגי למספר השנים שאדם יכול לחיות?
- כל מה שאתה צריך לדעת על מיקרו-תזונה – ויטמינים ומינרלים
- ציר המעיים-מוח פסיכוביוטיקה psychobiotics
- כיווץ שרירים כרוני וטיפול
- מקצועי יצרו דרך לזהות את סרטן הלבלב (PC) וגם את ההתפתחות של סרטן הערמונית באמצעות בדיקת שתן, בדיקה שיכולה לעזור בגילוי מוקדם.
- סוכר פירות – האם פרוקטוז יכול לתרום להתפתחות אלצהיימר?
- כולסטרול גבוהה – מדד חדש – יחסי הכולסטרול התקין הוא שקובע – כיצד להחלים ללא תרופות
- איך להוריד את רמת האינסולין בגוף באופן טבעי ופשוט
- חזרה לבסיס – עקרונות צירופי המזון
- האם תוסף ויטמין D בולם את מחלת הכליות בקרב סוכרתיים?
- זרחן – Phosphorous, והאם מוכרחים להתחיל בדיאליזה טרם נבחנה רמתו של גורם צמיחה פיברובלסט 23
- קרום התא – הממברנה והדלקת הכרונית
- הדמימה – מה היא דמימה
- אורפאוס – דמימה בניהול קרירה שמשתקפת ככיווץ שרירים בבית החזה ובשורש כף היד
- כואבות לי הידיים נורא – היכולת לנצח, להתגאות או לשמור על מקומך בפסגה משתקפת באמות הידיים שלך
- כאבי אוזניים – מסתוריות האוזניים הכואבות
- גלוטמין (Gln) -המגן הגדול על בריאות האדם – כל מה שחשוב לדעת
- פיקנוגנול – כל האמת על רפואת עץ האורן והכנת התה ממחטיו
- טיפול טבעי בכליות – מה אתם יודעים על קורדיספס מיליטריס
- להוביל לתת פעילות של בלוטת התריס (תירואיד)
- עורקים גמישים – הסוד והדרך לזכייה בבריאות מחדש
- מסלול איתות חדש במוח שמווסת אכילה מופרזת
- רוצה להחלים בצורה מלאה מסוכרת
- שכיחות של דיכאון וחרדה בקרב חולי כליות
- גודש נוזלים בריאות – בקרב חולי כליה
- רעלים אורמיים מקדמים דיאליזה – הוכח לאחרונה שרעלנים אורמיים קשורים למיקרוביוטה של המעי הגס – איך להחלים ללא תרופות ולהימנע מדיאליזה.
- על ההשפעה האיומה של חלבון מן החי על הכליות
- לאוקון – יצירת מופת
- צייר גדול Jan Kupecky 1667-1740 קופצ'קי יאן
- שיראטאקי אטריות קונג`אק – מתכונים
- אנמיה – מחסור בברזל, כשל טיפול והיבטים ביולוגיים חשובים של מחסור בברזל ודרכי החלמה חדשות – מחקר חדש
- התכנית לשיקום הכליות
- דלקת כליות אינטרסטיציאלית – השתמשו במי שעורה
- מדללי דם טבעיים ויטמין E קאיין, שום, פולי סויה מותססים (נאטוקינאז) וכורכום
- גאוט הוא לא רק יתר פורין – החיים עם גאוט תלוי גיל ומין – האם אפשר לנצח גאוט בלי לבלוע הורמוני מין?
- אגוז מרפא ביבהיטקי
- הערכות שונות במדידת אשלגן בפלזמה שוללות לפעמים שלא בצדק יתר אשלגן בה – היפרקלמיה פסאודו היפרקלמיה – Hyperkalemia
- מדד חדש לבריאותך – ביטול האסרוסקלרוזים
- אי ספיקת כליות – טיפול ללא תרופות
- אוראה – למה האוראה מוגברת ומופחת בדם Urea
- הקורטיזול וכאבים בבית החזה וביד שמאל
- להוריד קריאטינין, אוריאה ולהחלים ללא תרופות מאי ספיקת כליות
- וירוס הקורונה וגרון יבש
- -אי ספיקת כליות להחלים ללא תרופות – על הGFR ונזקי התרופות
- ההומוציסטאין – האויב הגדול של האנדותל ובריאות העורקים
- אי ספיקת כליות – אילוף הכליות הסוררות – כל מה שחשוב לדעת – חלק ג
- אריתרופויטין (EPO) Erythropoietin
- התרופות והרע – ויטמין D3
רוצה להחלים מפגיעה במערכת העיכול ללא תרופות?
להחלים בפשטות ממחלת ריאות חסימתית כרונית
שחיקת סחוס, למה לסבול? – ללא ניתוח ללא תרופות – טיפול להחלמה
עורקים גמישים – הסוד והדרך לזכייה בבריאות מחדש
ההומוציסטאין – האויב הגדול של האנדותל ובריאות העורקים
פרנצ'סקו מסינה Francesco Messina אלהים באדם שחיפש אחר היופי
תרופות הרגעה שמשאירות אותך רעב וחרד – ציפּרָלֵקס, פּרוֹזַק, פלואוקסטין
התרופות והרע – ביוטין B7 ויטמין H
חזרה לבסיס – עקרונות צירופי המזון
ראיית המעמקים – כניסה לטרקלין או על החיים האמתיים.
מגיע לי – העדר הכרה במאמץ של השועט קדימה, בהחלט יכול להוביל לכישלונה של קריירה מזהירה.
סוכרת כלייתית (נפרופתיה סוכרתית) כן, אפשר להחלים".
כאבי גב – פתרון טבעי, עדין ופשוט לבעיה שלך
כאבי גב לא דורשים ניתוח – רק מגע יד עדינה
צום חי – הוא תרופה טבעית. אזהרה לקטונים (Lactones) –
אי ספיקת כליות מתוקה: (נפרופתיה סוכרתית) אפשר לצאת בשלום מהצרה המסוכנת לסוכרתיים – צום חי
אי ספיקת כליות – מתכונים לדיאטה מאוזנת – טעימה להשתגע.
אילוף הכליות הסוררות – איך להחלים מאי ספיקת כליות להקליק כאן
"אילוף הכליות הסוררות" תחילת פרק א
ההמשך לפרק א' של "אילוף הכליות הסוררות"- כאן.
נשארו לך שאלות
אשמח להשיב על כל שאלה
Please do not call because it simply does not allow me to work – please use the means before you –
לטופס פנייה ישירה אל ירון מרגולין – נא להקליק – כאן
בבקשה לא להתקשר משום שזה פשוט לא מאפשר לי לעבוד – אנא השתמשו באמצעים שלפניכם –
למען הסר ספק, חובת התייעצות עם רופא (המכיר לפרטים את מצבו הבריאותי הכללי של כל מטופל או שלך) לפני שימוש בכל תכשיר, מאכל, תמצית או ביצוע כל תרגיל. ירון מרגולין הוא רקדן ומבית המחול שלו בירושלים פרצה התורה כאשר נחשפה שיטת המחול שלו כבעלת יכולת מדהימה, באמצע שנות ה – 80 לרפא סרטן. המידע באתר של ירון מרגולין או באתר "לחיצות ההחלמה" (בפיסבוק או MARGOLINMETHOD.COM ), במאמר הנ"ל ובמאמרים של ירון מרגולין הם חומר למחשבה – פילוסופיה לא המלצה ולא הנחייה לציבור להשתמש או לחדול מלהשתמש בתרופות – אין במידע באתר זה או בכל אחד מהמאמרים תחליף להיוועצות עם מומחה מוכר המכיר לפרטים את מצבו הבריאותי הכללי שלך ושל משפחתך. מומלץ תמיד להתייעץ עם רופא מוסמך או רוקח בכל הנוגע בכאב, הרגשה רעה או למטרות ואופן השימוש, במזונות, משחות, תמציות ואפילו בתרגילים, או בתכשירים אחרים שנזכרים כאן.
Note: All of the above, is not a cure or a recommendation for treatment, it is merely food for thought.
כתיבת תגובה